학습 자료실/연구실 논문
강병국-Area-selective external light extraction for metal bus equipped large area transparent organic light-emitting diodes_optimize.pdf
강한림-Analysis of particle movement by dielectrophoretic force for reflective electronic display_optimize.pdf
김혜민-Metal–Insulator–Semiconductor Coaxial Microfi bers Based_optimize.pdf
김희연-Transparent InP Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes with ZrO2 Electron Transport Layer and Indium Zinc Oxide Top Electrode_optimize.pdf
박준수-Flexible ambipolar organic field effect transistors with reverse-offset-printed silver electrodes for a complementary inverter_optimize.pdf
송창현-Photoenhanced Patterning of Metal Nanowire Networks_optimize.pdf
송창현-Preparation of core-shell microstructures using an electroless plating method_optimize.pdf