학습 자료실/연구실 논문
이근수-A light scattering layer for internal light extraction of organic light-emitting diodes based on silver nanowires_optimize.pdf
이근수-Simultaneously enhanced device efficiency, stabilized chromaticity of organic light emitting diodes with lambertian emission characteristic by random convex lenses_optimize.pdf
이원희-Flexible Nanocomposite Generator Using PZT Nanorods and Ag Nanowires_optimize.pdf
이윤구-Correction of the Electrical and Thermal Extrinsic Effects in Thermoelectric Measurements by the Harman Method_optimize.pdf
이윤구-Harman Measurements for Thermoelectric Materials and Modules under Non-Adiabatic Conditions_optimize.pdf
이윤재-Ultrasensitive PbS quantum-dot-sensitized InGaZnO hybrid photoinverter for near-infrared detection and imaging with high photogain_optimize.pdf
이현준-Self-junctioned copper nanofiber transparent flexible conducting film via electrospinning and electroplating_optimize.pdf