강지훈박사 - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (qmzmqm@korea.ac.kr)
권현근박사과정 - Stanford University (ryankwon@stanford.edu)
김세정박사 - The State University of New york at buffalo (sejung0901@korea.ac.kr)
서정훈교수 - The State University of New york at buffalo (junghuns@buffalo.edu)
신상호박사 - Nanyang Technological University (sangho.shin@ntu.edu.sg)
안학영박사 - Northwestern University (2020.11.01 예정, hyahn711@gmail.com)
이규태박사과정 - Georgia Institute of Technology ( ktlee@gatech.edu)
이윤구박사과정 - Pennsylvania State University (yzl343@psu.edu)
임주원박사과정 - University of Michigan-Ann Arbor ( limjw0319@korea.ac.kr )