학습 자료실/연구실 논문

DIaNA 연구실~ 국제학술논문지 (SCI) 목록

BK(우정) 2020. 1. 8. 21:47

누락된 논문, 그리고 2021년 이후 논문은 제1저자가 댓글로 형식에 맞춰 정리해 주기. 그러면 내가 본문을 편집함.



1.   B.K.Ju, S.R.Rho, S.H.Kim and C.J.Kim, "Fabrication of diodes using the Si-iBP-Si SOI structure," J.Korean Physical Society, vol.20, no.4, pp.373-378 (1987.12)

2.   B.K.Ju, B.J.Ha, C.J.Kim, M.H.Oh, and K.H.Tchah, "Microscopy studies for the deep-anisotropic etching of (100) Si wafers," Jpn.J.Appl.Phys., vol.31, part 1, no.11, pp.3489-3494 (1992.11)

3.   B.K.Ju, M.H.Oh, and K.H.Tchah, "Interfacial oxide growing and filling-up behaviour of micro-gap in silicon fusion bonding processes," J.Materials Science, vol.28, no.5, pp.1168-1174 (1993)

4.   Y.H.Lee, B.K.Ju, T.H.Yeom, D.H.Kim, T.S.Hahn, S.H.Choh and M.H.Oh, "Luminescence and electron paramagnetic resonance studies of white-light emitting SrS:Pr,F thin film electroluminescent devices," J.Appl.Phys., vol.75, no.3, pp.1754-1757 (1994.2).

5.   B.K.Ju, M.H.Oh, and K.H.Tchah, "Fabrication of Si membrane using fusion bonding and two-step electrochemical etch-stopping," J.Materials Science, vol.29, pp.664-668 (1994)

6.   Y.H.Lee, D.H.Kim, B.K.Ju, T.H.Yeom, T.S.Hahn, and M.H.Oh, "Effect of multilayered SrS-SrS:Ce-SrS phosphor prepared by multi-source deposition method on the thin film electroluminescent devices," J.Crystal Growth, vol.147, pp.326-332 (1995)

7.   B.K.Ju, Y.H.Lee, K.H.Tchah and M.H.Oh, on the anisotropically-etched bonding interface of the directly bonded (100) silicon wafer pairs,"  J.Electrochem.Soc., vol. 142, no.2, pp.547-553 (1995.2)

8.   Y.H.Lee, D.H.Kim, B.K.Ju, M.H.Song, T.S.Hahn, M.H.Oh and S.H.Choh, “Decrease of the number of the isolated emission center Mn2+ in an aged ZnS:Mn electroluminescent device,” J. Applied Physics, vol.78, no.6, pp.4253-4257 (1995.9)

9.   Y.H.Lee, B.K.Ju, M.H.Song, D.H.Kim, T.S.Hahn and M.H.Oh, “Effect of interlayer on the emission characteristics of a whight-light emitting electroluminescent device with a Pr and Ce doubly doped ZnS phosphor layer,” J.Applied Physics, vol.79, no.11, pp.8717-8724 (1996.6)

10. B.Chung, H.Cho, S.Lee, T.-Y.Ko, J.-Y.Lee, D.Jeon, K.-R.Lee, B.K.Ju, and M.H.Oh, “Silicon field emitters coated with diamond-like carbon,” J. De Physique IV, vol.6, pp.C5/85-C5/89 (1996.9)

11. H.H.Chung, J.H.Lee, B.K.Ju, Y.C.Kim, K.S.Chung, “Effects of phosphorus doping level and excess silicon on the oxidation of tungsten polycide,” J.Korean Physical Society, vol.29, no.5, pp.658~663 (1996.10)

12. H.W.Park, B.K.Ju, Y.H.Lee, J.H.Park and M.H.Oh, “Emission characteristics of the molybdenum-coated silicon field emitter array,” Jpn.J.Appl.Phys. vol.35, part 2, no.10A, pp.L1301-L1304 (1996.10)

13. C.G.Ko, B.K.Ju, Y.H.Lee, J.H.Park, and M.H.Oh, “Fabrication and characterization of diamond-like carbon coated knife edge field emitter array,” Jpn.J.Appl.Phys., vol.35, part 2, no.10A, pp.L1305-L1307 (1996.10)

14. Y.H.Lee, B.K.Ju, M.H.Song, D.H.Kim, T.S.Hahn, M.H.Oh, “Whight-light emitting thin-film electroluminescent device using micromachined structure,” IEEE Tr. Electron Devices, vol.44, no.1, pp.40-44 (1997.1)

15. S.J.Lee, B.K.Ju, Y.H.Lee, D.Jeon, and M.H.Oh, “Fabrication and field emission study of gated diamondlike-carbon-coated silicon tips,” J.Vac.Sci.Technol. vol.B15, no.2, pp.425-427 (1997.3/4)

16. K.C.Park, J.H.Moon, S.J.Chung, J.H.Jung, B.K.Ju, M.H.Oh, W.I.Milne, M.K.Han, and J.Jang, “Field emission properties of ta-C films with nitrogen doping,” J.Vac.Sci.Technol. vol.B15, no.2, pp.431-433 (1997.3/4)

17. W.B.Choi, B.K.Ju, Y.H.Lee, M.R.Haskard, M.Y.Sung, M.H.Oh, “Anodic bonding technique under low temperature and low voltage using evaporated glass,”, J.Vac.Sci.Technol. vol.B15, no.2, pp.477-481 (1997.3/4)

18. S.J.Kim, B.K.Ju, Y.H.Lee, B.S.Park, Y.J.Baik, S.Lim, and M.H.Oh, “Emission characteristics of diamond-tip field emitter arrays fabricated by transfer mold technique,” J.Vac.Sci.Technol. vol.B15, no.2, pp.499-502 (1997.3/4)

19. Y.H.Lee, M.H.Song, B.K.Ju, D.K.Shin and M.H.Oh., “Thin film phosphor prepared by physical vapor deposition for field emission display application,” J.Vac.Sci.Technol. vol.B15, no.2, pp.512-515 (1997.3/4)

20. J.H.Jung, B.K.Ju, Y.H.Lee, J.Jang and M.H.Oh, “Enhancement of electron emission efficiency and stability of molybdenum-tip field emitter array by diamond like carbon coating,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol.18, no.5, pp.197-199 (1997.5)

21. Y.H.Jung, B.K.Ju, J.H.Jung, Y.H.Lee, M.H.Oh and C.J.Kim, “Characteristics on the gate insulator of metal-tip field emitter arrays after wet etching process,” Jpn.J.Appl.Phys. vol.36, part 1, no.6A, pp.3576-3579 (1997.6)

22. J.H.Oh, Y.H.Lee, B.K.Ju, D.K.Shin, C.Y.Park and M.H.Oh, “Impact of surface properties on the dielectric breakdown for polycrystalline and multilayered BaTiO3 thin films,” J.Appl.Phys., vol.82, no.12, pp.6203-6208 (1997.12)

23. W.B.Choi, B.K.Ju, Y.H.Lee, J.W.Jeong, M.R.Haskard, N.Y.Lee, M.Y.Sung and M.H.Oh, “Experimental analysis on the anodic bonding with an evaporated glass layer,” J.Micromech.Microeng. vol.7, pp.316-322 (1997)

24. J.H.Jung, B.K.Ju, H.Kim, M.H.Oh, S.J.Chung and J.Jang, “Effect of N doping on the electron emission properties of diamondlike carbon film on a 2-in. Mo field emitter arrays panel,” J.Vac.Sci.Tech., vol.B16, no.2, pp.705-709 (1998.3/4)

25. S.J.Lee, S.Lee, D.Jeon, K.R.Lee, B.K.Ju and M.H.Oh, “Fabrication of diamondlike carbon-coated field emitter triode using aluminum parting layer,” J. Vac.Sci.Tech., vol.B16, no.3, pp.1203-1206 (1998.5/6)

26. J.H.Jung, B.K.Ju, H.Kim, Y.H.Lee, S.J.Chung, J.Jang and M.H.Oh “Effect of diamond-like carbon coating on the emission characteristics of molybdenum field emitter arrays,” IEEE Tr. Electron Devices, vol.45, no.10, 2232-2237 (1998.10)

27. B.K.Ju, W.B.Choi, Y.H.Lee, S.J.Jung, N.Y.Lee, J.I.Han, K.I.Cho and M.H.Oh, “Glass-to-glass electrostatic bonding for FED tubeless packaging application,” Microelectronics Journal, vol.29, pp.839-844 (1998.11)

28. B.K.Ju, Y.H.Lee and M.H.Oh, “Fabrication and field emission properties of poly-diamond films,” Microelectronics Journal, vol.29, pp.855-859 (1998.11)

29. J.W.Jeong, B.K.Ju, D.J.Lee, Y.H.Lee, D.J.Choi and M.H.Oh, “Electrostatic bonding of silicon-to-ITO coated #7059 glass using Li-doped oxide interlayer” J.Kor.Phys.Soc., vol.33, pp.S406-S410 (1998.11)

30. K.B.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Lateral force microscopy investigations of the crystallization of SrBi2Ta2O9 thin films,” Thin Solid Films, vol.334, pp.65-70 (1998.12.)

31. D.J.Lee, B.K.Ju, W.B.Choi, J.W.Jeong, Y.H.Lee, J.Jang, K.B.Lee and M.H.Oh, “Novel bonding technology for hermetically sealed silicon micropackage,” Jpn.J.Appl.Phys., vol.38, part.1, no.1A, pp.1-6 (1999.1)

32. W.B.Choi, B.K.Ju, Y.H.Lee, S.J.Jeong, N.Y.Lee, M.Y.Sung and M.H.Oh, “Glass-to-glass bonding for vacuum packaging of field emission display in an ultra-high vacuum chamber using silicon thin film,” J.Electrochem.Soc., vol.146, no.1 pp.400-404 (1999.1)

33. J.H.Moon, S.J.Chung, E.J.Han, J.Jang, J.H.Jung, B.K.Ju and M.H.Oh, “Preparation of n-doped hydrogen-free diamondlike carbon and its application to field emitters,” J.Vac.Sci.Tech., vol.B17, no.1, pp.241-245 (1999.1/2)

34. J.H.Jung, B.K.Ju, Y.H.Lee, J.Jang and M.H.Oh, “Emission stability of a diamond-like carbon coated metal-tip field emitter array,” J.Vac.Sci.Technol., vol.B17, no.2, pp.486-488 (1999.3/4)

35. Y.H.Lee, Y.S.Kim, B.K.Ju and M.H.Oh, “Roughness of ZnS:Pr,Ce/Ta2O5 interface and its effects on electrocal performance of alternating current thin-film electroluminescent devices,” IEEE Tr. Electron Devices, vol.46, no.5, pp.892-896 (1999.5)

36. Y.H.Lee, Y.S.Kim, B.K.Ju, M.Y.Sung and M.H.Oh, “Long-term conduction behavior of white-light emitting ZnS-based phosphor films,” J. Applied Physics, vol.86, no.1, pp.380-386 (1999.7)

37. D.J.Lee, B.K.Ju, J.Jang, K.B.Lee and M.H.Oh, “Effect of hydrophilic surface in anodic bonding,” J.Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol.9, pp.313-318 (1999.9)

38. Y.S.Kim, M.Y.Sung, Y.H.Lee, B.K.Ju and M.H.Oh, “The influence of surface roughness on the electric conduction process in amorphous Ta2O5 thin films,” J.Electrochemical Society, vol.146, no.9, pp.3398-3402 (1999.9.)

39. W.B.Choi, B.K.Ju, Y.H.Lee, N.Y.Lee, M.Y.Sung and M.H.Oh, “Silicon-to-indium tin oxide coated glass bonding for packaging of field emission arrays fabricated on silicon wafer,” J.Materials Science, vol.34, pp.4711-4717 (1999.10.)

40. J.S.Park, S.Lee, B.K.Ju, M.H.Oh, J.Jang and D.Jeon, “Improvement of field-emission properties by formation of Nb-silicide layer on silicon-tip FEAs,” J.SID, vol.7, no.4, pp.241-243 (1999)

41. N.Y.Lee, B.C.Kim, J.H.Jung, M.S.Kang, H.Kim, B.K.Ju, Y.H.Lee, M.H.Oh, J.Jang and S.Ahn, “The influence of ambient gases during the frit-sealing cycle on the emission characteristics of Mo-FEAs,” J.SID, vol.7, no.4, pp.245-248 (1999)

42. Y.H.Lee, Y.S.Kim, D.H.Kim, B.K.Ju and M.H.Oh, “Conduction mechanisms in barium tantalates films and modification of interfacial barrier height,” IEEE Tr. Electron Devices, vol.47, no.1, pp.71-76 (2000.1.)

43. Y.H.Lee, S.J.Lee, B.K.Ju and M.H.Oh, “Light-emitting devices using micromachined Si-tip mirror arrays,” Sensors and Actuators, vol.80, pp.138-142 (2000.3)

44. Y.H.Lee, D.H.Kim, Y.T.Jang, B.K.Ju and M.H.Oh, “Decrease of electron paramagnetic defect density and enhancement of electron field emission in annealed carbon film,” J.Applied Physics, vol.87, no.10, pp.7519-7523 (2000.5.15.)

45. D.J.Lee, N.Y.Lee, S.J.Jung, K.S.Kim, Y.H.Lee, J.Jang and B.K.Ju, “Application of electrostatic bonding to field emission display vacuum packaging,” J.Electrochem.Soc., vol.147, no.6, pp.2385-2388 (2000.6.)

46. Y.H.Lee, K.S.Shin, J.H.Park, B.K.Ju and M.H.Oh, “Interface controlled conduction in a blue-light emitting SrS:Cu, Cl electroluminescent phosphor,” J.Applied Physics, vol.88, no.1, pp.236-239 (2000.7.)

47. Y.H.Lee, H.Kim, D.H.Kim and B.K.Ju, “Conduction electron resonance and transport properties of a nonaligned carbon nanotube thick film for field emission display,” J.Electrochemical Society, vol.147, no.9, pp.3564-3568 (2000.9.)

48. Y.H.Lee, D.H.Kim, H.Kim and B.K.Ju, “Carrier transport and electron field-emission properties of a nonaligned carbon nanotube thick film mixed with conductivity epoxy,” J.Applied Physics, vol.88, no.7, pp.4181-4185 (2000.10.)

49. Y.H.Lee, J.H.Oh, B.K.Ju and M.H.Oh, “Characteristics of multilayered barium titanate films and their effect on thin-film electroluminescence cells,” J. Electrochemical Society, vol.147, no.11(2000.11.) : to be published

50. H.Kim, B.K.Ju, Y.H.Lee, J.Jang and M.H.Oh, “Effect of the hybrid-etching methods on the field emission characteristics of Mo-tip field emitter arrays,” J.E.ectrochem.Soc., vol.147, no.12, pp.4705-4708 (2000.12.)

51. S.W.Choi, W.B.Choi, Y.H.Lee, B.K.Ju and B.H.Kim, “Effect of oxygen plasma treatment on anodic bonding,” J.Korean Physical Society, vol.38, no.3, pp.207-209 (2001.3.)

52. H.W.Park, B.K.Ju, Y.K.Park, D.J.Lee, Y.H.Lee, C.J.Kim, J.H.Park and M.H.Oh, “Microtunneling sensors for vacuum level evaluation of field emission display devices,” J.Vacuum Science and Technology, vol.B19, no.2, pp.542-545 (2001.3/4)

53. Y.H.Lee, B.K.Ju, D.H.Kim and M.H.Oh, “Comprehensive understandings on the high dielectric constant insulating layers for alternating-current thin-film electroluminescent devices,” IEEE Tr. Electron Devices, vol.48, no.4, pp.653-660 (2001.4.)

54. Y.H.Lee, Y.T.Jang, D.H.Kim, J.H.Ahn and B.K.Ju, “Realization of gated field emitters for electrophotonic applications using carbon nanotube line emitters directly grown into submicrometer holes,” Advanced Materials, vol.13, no.7, pp.479-482 (2001.4)

55. D.J.Lee, J.W.Jeong, Y.C.Kim, Y.H.Lee, B.K.Ju, T.S.Cho, E.H.Choi and J.Jang, “New plasma display panel packaging technology using electrostatic bonding method,” J.Vac.Sci.Technol., vol.B19, no.4, pp.1381-1384 (2001.7/8)

56. Y.H.Lee, Y.T.Jang, C.H.Choi, D.H.Kim, C.W.Lee, J.E.Lee, Y.S.Han, S.S.Yoon, J.K.Shin, S.T.Kim, E.K.Kim and B.K.Ju, “Direct nanowiring of carbon nanotubes for highly integrated electronic and spintronic devices,” Advanced Materials, vol.13, no.18, pp.1371-1373 (2001.9.)

57. H.Kim, S.W.Seo, J.W.Park, J.W.Lee, Y.H.Lee, J.Jang, N.S.Kim, D.H.Kim and B.K.Ju, “Effects of substrate temperature on etched feature of chromium film and its application to field emitter arrays(FEAS),” J.Korean Physical Society, vol.39, pp.S101-S107 (2001.12.)

58. D.J.Lee, Y.H.Lee, J.Jang and B.K.Ju, “Glass-to-glass electrostatic bonding with intermediate amorphous silicon film for vacuum packaging of microeletronics and its application,” Sensors and Actuators, vol.A89, pp.43-48 (2001)

59. H.H.Kim, B.K.Ju, S.H.Lee, Y.H.Lee, J.K.Lee and S.W.Kim, “A noble suspended type thin film resonator(STFR) using the SOI technology,” Sensors and Actuators, vol.A89, pp.255-258 (2001)

60. S.J.Lee, Y.H.Lee, S.H.Suh, Y.J.Oh, T.Y.Kim, M.H.Oh, C.J.Kim and B.K.Ju, “Uncooled thermopile infrared detector with chromium absorption layer,” Sensors and Actuators, vol.A95, pp.24-28 (2001)

61. S.W.Choi, W.B.Choi, Y.H.Lee, B.K.Ju, M.Y.Sung and B.H.Kim, “The analysis of oxygen plasma pretreatment for improving anodic bonding,” J.Electrochem.Soc., vol.149, no.1, pp.G8-G11 (2002.1.)

62. Y.H.Lee, Y.T.Jang, C.H.Choi, E.K.Kim, D.H.Kim, C.W.Lee, S.S.Yoon and B.K.Ju, “Direct nano-wiring carbon nanotube using growth barrier: A possible mechanism of selective lateral growth,” J.Applied Physics, vol.91, no.9, pp.6044-6050 (2002.5.)

63. Y.H.Lee, C.H.Choi, Y.T.Jang, E.K.Kim, N.K.Min J.H.Ahn and B.K.Ju, “Tungsten nanowires and their electron emission properties,” Applied Physics Letter, vol.81, no.4, pp.745-747 (2002.7.)

64. K.B.Lee, K.H.Lee, B.K.Ju and C.N.Whang, “Substrate temperature effect on the formation of PtRhOx thin films,” J.Korean Physical Society, vol.41, no.5, pp.745-748 (2002.11.)

65. H.Kim, J.W.Park, J.W.Lee, Y.H.Lee, Y.H.Song, J.H.Lee, K.I.Cho, J.Jang, M.H.Oh and B.K.Ju, “Electron emission characteristics of the porous polycrystalline silicon diode,” Current Applied Physics, vol.2, pp.233-235 (2002)

66. H.Kim, S.W.Seo, J.W.Park, Y.H.Lee, J.Jang and B.K.Ju, “Development of a cold- cathode electron gun for cathode-ray tube(CRT) using Mo-tip field-emitter array(FEA),” J.Vac.Sci.Technol., vol.B21, no.1, pp.43-47 (2003.1/2)

67. H.Kim, S.W.Seo, J.W.Lee, J.W.Park, Y.H.Lee, J.Jang and B.K.Ju, “Enhancement of emission characteristics for field-emitter arrays by optimizing the etched feature of the gate electrode,” J.Vac.Sci.Technol., vol.B21, no.1, pp.186-192  (2003.1/2)

68. J.W.Lee, H.Kim, Y.H.Lee, J.Jang and B.K.Ju, “Observation of field-induced electron in porous polycrystalline silicon nano-structured diode,” J.Korean Physical Society, vol.42, pp.S179-S183 (2003.2.)

69. J.W.Chang, H.Kim, J.K.Kim, J.Jang, Y.H.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Structure and morphology of vacuum-evaporated pantacene as a function of the substrate temperature,” Journal of The Korean Physical Society, vol.42, pp.S268-S272 (2003.2.)

70. Y.H.Lee, D.H.Kim, K.S.Shin, C.H.Choi, Y.T.Jang and B.K.Ju, “Coulomb blockade devices of Co dot arrays on tungsten-nanowire templates fabricated by using only a thin film technique,” Applied Physics Letters, vol.82, no.20, pp.3535-3537 (2003.5.)

71. Y.T.Jang, Y.H.Lee, B.K.Ju, J.H.Ahn, C.K.Ko and G.S.Park, “Application of carbon nanotubes to the cathode ray tube-electron gun,” Vacuum, vol.68, pp.79-85 (2003)

72. Y.T.Jang, C.H.Choi, B.K.Ju, J.H.Ahn and Y.H.Lee, “Supression of leakage current via formation of a sidewall protector in the microgated carbon nanotube emitter,” Nanotechnology, vol.14, pp.497-500 (2003)

73. Y.T.Jang, J.H.Ahn, Y.H.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Effect of NH3 and thickness of catalyst on growth of carbon nanotubes using thermal chemical vapor deposition,” Chemical Physics Letters, vol.372, pp.745-749 (2003)

74. Y.T.Jang, B.K.Ju, J.H.Ahn and Y.H.Lee, “Lateral growth of aligned multiwalled carbon nanotubes under electric field,” Solid State Communications, vol.126, pp.305-308 (2003)

75. Y.T.Jang, C.H.Choi, B.K.Ju, J.H.Ahn and Y.H.Lee, “Simple approach to fabricating microgate nanotubes emitter with a sidewall protector,” Physica B, vol.344, pp.9-12 (2003)

76. Y.T.Jang, J.H.Ahn, B.K.Ju, and Y.H.Lee, “Fabrication and characteristics of field emitter using carbon nanotubes directly grown by thermal chemical vapor deposition,” Thin Solid Films, vol.436, pp.298-302 (2003)

77. Y.H.Lee, D.H.Kim, C.H.Choi, Y.T.Jang and B.K.Ju, “Growth and electrical properties of multidimensional tungsten nano-building blocks,” Applied Physics Letter, vol.85, no.24, pp.5977-5979 (2004.12.13.)

78. J.M.Kim, J.W.Lee, J.S.Kim, J.K.Kim, Y.H.Lee, M.H.Oh and B.K.Ju, “An organic thin-film transistor of high mobility by dielectric surface modification with organic molecule,” Applied Physics Letter, vol.85, no.26, pp.6368-6370 (2004.12.27.)

79. J.W.Lee, J.M.Kim, B.K.Ju, J.K.Kim, M.H.Oh and J.Jang, “Electrical properties of shadow-mask patterned organic thin film transistor fabricated on plastic substrate,” J. Korean Physical Society, vol.45, pp.S612-S614 (2004.12.).

80. D.J.Lee, S.I.Moon, Y.H.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Thin AC-PDP vacuum in-line sealing using direct-joint packaging method”, J. Electrochemical Society, vol.151, no.2, pp.H128-H132 (2004).

81. D.J.Lee, S.I.Moon, Y.H.Lee, J.E.Yoo, J.H.Park, J.Jang and B.K.Ju, “The vacuum packaging of a flat lamp using thermally grown carbon nano tube,” Vacuum, vol.74, pp.105-111 (2004)

82. E.S.Hwang, Y.J.Kim and B.K.Ju, “Flexible polysilicon sensor array modules using etch-release packaging scheme,” Sensors and Actuators, vol.A111, pp.135-141 (2004).

83. H.H.Kim, B.K.Ju, Y.H.Lee, S.H.Lee, J.K.Lee and S.W.Kim, “Fabrication of suspended thin film resonator for application of RF bandpass filter”, Microelectronics Reliability, vol.44, pp.237-243 (2004).

84. K.B.Lee, K.H.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Compositional dependence of the properties of ferroelectric Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3 thin film capacitors deposited on single-layered PtRhOy electrode barriers,” Ceramics International, vol.30, pp.1543-1546 (2004)

85. Y.H.Lee, C.W.Lee, D.H.Kim, Y.T.Jang, C.H.Choi, K.S.Shin and B.K.Ju, “Gating effect of suspended multiwalled carbon nanotube with all-shell rooted from electrodes: parallel growth from ferromagnetic catalytic contact,” Chemical Physics Letters, vol.392, pp.319-323 (2004)

86. Y.T.Jang, S.I.Moon, J.H.Ahn, Y.H.Lee and B.K.Ju, “A simple approach in fabricating chemical sensor using laterally grown multi-walled carbon nanotubes,” Sensors and Actuators, vol.B99, pp.118-122 (2004)

87. W.S.Cho, S.I.Moon, Y.D.Lee, Y.H.Lee, S.W.Kim, J.H.Park and B.K.Ju, “Multi-wall carbon nanotube gas sensor fabricated using thermo-mechanical structure,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol.26, no.7, pp.498-500 (2005.7.)

88. J.W.Lee, D.S.Na, S.K.Chae, C.Kim, J.I.Kang, H.Lee, S.U.Kim, C.N.Hwang, S.H.Lee, and B.K.Ju, “Using the chorions of fertilized zebrafish eggs as a biomedical for the attachment and differentiation of mouse stem cells,” Langmuir, vol.21, no.7, pp.7615-7620 (2005.8.16.)

89. A.Haake, A.Nield, D.H.Kim, J.E.Ihm, Y.Sun, J.Dual and B.K.Ju, “Manupulationn of cells using an ultrasonic pressure field”, Ultrasound in Madicine and Biology, vol.31, no.6, pp.857-864 (2005).

90. G.S.Park, Y.K.Kim, K.K.Paek, J.S.Kim, J.H.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Low-temperature silicon wafer-scale thermocompression bonding using electroplated gold layer in hermetic packaging,” Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, vol.8, no.12, pp.G330-G332 (2005)

91. H.J.Lee, S.I.Moon, J.K.Kim, Y.D.Lee, S.Nahm, J.E.Yoo, J.H.Han, Y.H.Lee, S.W.Whang and B.K.Ju, “Improvement of field emission from printed carbon nanotubes by a critical bias field,” J. Applied Physics, vol.98 (2005)

92. J.S.Park, J.W.Lee, Y.M.Kim, S.J.Bae, J.Jang, J.K.Kim and B.K.Ju, “Enhancement of efficiency for white-organic light-emitting diode with a thin electron-blocking layer,” J.Electrochemical Society, vol.152, pp.H996-H199 (2005)

93. J.W.Lee, K.K.Paek, J.Jang and B.K.Ju, “Improvement of porous polysilicon nano-structured emitter for vacuum packaged devices,” J. Materials Sciences In Electronics, vol.16, pp.125-130 (2005)

94. Y.H.Lee, J.M.Yoo, D.H.Park, D.H.Kim and B.K.Ju, “Co-doped TiO2 nanowire electric field-effect transistors fabricated by suspended molecular template method,” Applied Physics Letters, vol.86 (2005)

95. Y.H.Lee, Y.T.Jang and B.K.Ju, “In situ nanointerconnection for nanoelectronics via direct auto-catalytic lateral growth,” Applied Physics Letter, vol.86 (2005)

96. Y.R.Kang, Y.K.Kim, K.K.Paek, Y.K.Kim, S.C.Kang and B.K.Ju, “Air-gap type film bulk acoustic resonator using flexible thin substrate,” Sensors and Actuators, vol.A117, no.1, pp.62-70 (2005)

97. Y.H.Lee, J.M.Yoo, J.A. Lee, S.Y.Ahn, J.Joo, S.Lee, D.H.Kim, B.K.Ju and K.J.Song, “Integration of carbon nanotubes into diluted magnetic semiconductor,” Applied Physics Letter, vol.87 (2005)

98. Y.D.Lee, H.J.Lee, J.H.Han, J.E.Yoo, Y.H.Lee, J.K.Kim, S.Nahm, and B.K.Ju, “Synthesis of double-walled carbon nanotubes by catalytic chemical vapor deposition and their field emission properties,” J. Phys. Chem. B, vol.110, no.11, pp.5310-5314 (2006.2.)

99. H.J.Lee, Y.D.Lee, S.I.Moon, W.S.Cho, Y.H.Lee, J.K.Kim, S.W.Hwang and B.K.Ju, “Enhanced surface morphologies of screen-printed carbon nanotubes films by heat treatment and their field-emission properties,” Carbon, vol.44, pp.2625-2630 (2006.6.)

100.   Y.H.Lee, J.H.Lee, S.J.Chung, S.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Carrier carrying capacity of one-step grown suspended carbon nanotube bridge with carbon nanotube contact electrodes: For practical one-dimensional electronics”, Applied Physics Letter, vol.89 (2006.8.)

101.   Y.H.Lee, D.H.Kim, D.H.Kim, B.K.Ju, “Magnetic catalyst residues and their influences on the field electron emission characteristics of low temperature grown carbon nanotubes”, Applied Physics Letter, vol.89 (2006.8.)

102.   K.S.Shin, Y.H.Kim, K.K.Paek, J.H.Park, E.G.Yang, T.S.Kim, J.Y.Kang and B.K.Ju, “Characterization of an integrated fluorescence-detection hybrid device with photodiode and organic light-emitting diode,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol.27, no.9, pp.746-748 (2006.9.)

103.   G.S.Park, J.H.Yu, S.W.Seo, W.B.Choi, K.K.Paek, M.Y.Sung, H.W.Park, S.K.Yun and B.K.Ju, “Wafer level hermetic packaging for RF-MEMS devices using electroplated gold layers,” Key Engineering Materials, vol.326-328, pp.617-620 (2006.9.)

104.   K.S.Lee, J.H.Kwon, S.I.Moon, W.S.Cho, Y.H.Lee and B.K.Ju, “MEMS-based fabrication of multi-walled carbon nanotube pH sensor,” Key Engineering Materials, vol.326-328, pp.1367-1370 (2006.9.)

105.   J.H.Kwon, K.S.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Fabrication of single walled-carbon nanotubes based pH sensor using ultra-precision spray,” Key Engineering Materials, vol.326-328, pp.1479-1482 (2006.9.)

106.   Y.H.Kim, K.S.Shin, J.I.Kang, E.G.Yang, K.K.Paek, D.S.Seo and B.K.Ju, “Poly(dimethylsiloxane)-based packaging technique for microchip fluorescence detection system applications,” J.Microelectromechanical Systems, vol.15, no.5, pp.1152-1158 (2006.10.)

107.   Y.D.Lee, W.S.Cho, S.I.Moon, Y.H.Lee, J.K.Kim, S.Nahm and B.K.Ju, “Gas sensing properties of printed multiwalled carbon nanotubes using the field emission effect,” Chemical Physics Letters, vol.433, pp.105-109 (2006.11)

108.   J.H.Kim, D.Y.Jeong, J.S.Kim and B.K.Ju, “Metal organic vapor phase epitaxy of BiSbTe3 films on (001) GaAs vicinal substrates”, J.Applied Physics, vol.100, 123501 (2006.12.)

109.   Y.H.Lee, J.M.Yoo, J.H.Lee and B.K.Ju, “All-carbon nanotube-based junction with visual source and drain of carbon nanotubes by in situ one-step process for practical integrated nanoelectronics”, Applied Physics Letter, vol.89, pp.243104-1~3 (2006.12.).

110.   Y.K.Kim, Y.K.Park, J.K.Kim, S.W.Kim and B.K.Ju, “Ultrathin silicon micropckaging for RF MEMS devices,” Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, vol.9, no.2, pp.G44-G48 (2006)

111.   H.J.Lee, Y.D.Lee, W.S.Cho, Y.H.Lee, J.H.Han, J.K.Kim and B.K.Ju, “Field emission enhancement from change of printed carbon nanotube morphology by an elestomer,” Applied Physics Letter, vol.88 (2006)

112.   J.H.Kwon, S.H.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Effective light absorptive layer using mezzo-porous silicon by electrochemical etching,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol.45, no.4A, pp.2875-2880 (2006)

113.   J.A.Lee, J.W.Lee, D.S.Yoon, K.K.Paek, Y.H.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Improvement of field-emission properties of screen printed carbon nanotube films via argon plasma treatment,” J.Electrochemical Society, vol.152, pp.H111-H114 (2006)

114.   Y.C.Jung, J.H.Kim, S.H.Lee, B.K.Ju and J.S.Kim, “Material characteristics of metalorganic chemical vapor deposition of Bi2Te3 films on GaAs substrates,” J.Crystal Growth, vol.190, pp.441-445 (2006)

115.   S.I.Moon, K.K.Paek, Y.H.Lee, J.K Kim, S.W.Kim, and B.K.Ju, “Multiwall carbon nanotube sensor for monitoring engine oil degradation,” Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, vol.9, no.8, pp.H78-H80 (2006)

116.   J.W.Lee, D.S.Na, J.I.Kang, S.H.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Differentiation of nouse P19 embryonic carcinoma stem cells injected into an empty zebrafish egg chorion in a microfluidic device,” Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., vol.70, no.6, pp.1325-1330 (2006)

117.   Y.M.Kim, J.W.Lee, J.H.Jung, K.K.Paek, M.Y.Sung, J.K.Kim and B.K.Ju, “Enhanced brightness and efficiency of organic light-emitting diodes with a LiF in the Alq3,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol.27, no.7, pp.558-560 (2006)

118.   J.H.Kwon, K.S.Lee, Y.H.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Single-wall carbon nanotube-based pH sensor fabricated by the spray method.,” Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, vol.9, no.9, pp.H85-H87 (2006)

119.   S.J.Bae, J.W.Lee, J.S.Park, D.Y.Kim, S.W.Hwang, J.K.Kim and B.K.Ju, “Enhancement of barrier properties using ultrathin hybrid passivation layer for organic light emitting diodes,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol.45, no.7, pp.5970-5973 (2006)

120.   K.S.Shin, Y.H.Kim, J.A.Min, S.M.Kwak, S.K.Kim, E.G.Yang, J.H.Park, B.K.Ju, T.S.Kim and J.Y.Kang, “Miniaturized fluorescence detection chip for capillary electrophoresis immunoassay of agricultural herbicide atrazine,” Analytica Chimica Acta, vol.573/574, pp.164-171 (2006)

121.   W.S.Cho, S.I.Moon, K.K.Paek, Y.H.Lee, J.H.Park and B.K.Ju, “Patterned multiwall carbon nanotube films as materials of NO2 gas sensors,” Sensors and Actuators B, vol.119, pp.180-185 (2006)

122.   K.B.Lee, K.H.Lee and B.K.Ju, Preparation of Pb(Zr0.35Ti0.65)O3 films on conducting oxide Ga-doped ZnO films for transparent ferroelectric thin film transistors,” Integrated Ferroelectrics, vol.84, pp.159-168 (2006)

123.   J.W.Lee, B.K.Ju, J.Jang, Y.S.Yoon and J.K.Kim, “High mobility organic transistor patterned by the shadow-mask with all structure on a plastic substrate”, J. Materials Science, vol.42, pp.1026-1030 (2007.1.).

124.   Y.M.Kim, Y.W.Park, J.H.Choi, J.H.Jung, J.K.Kim and B.K.Ju, “Spectral broadening in electroluminescence of white organic light-emitting diodes based on complementary colors”, Applied Physics Letter, vol.90, pp.033506-1~3 (2007.1.).

125.   Y.D.Lee, V.D.Blank, D.V.Batov, S.G.Buga, Y.H.Lee, S.Nam and B.K.Ju, “Synthesis of CN nanostructures by hot isostatic pressure apparatus and their field emission properties,” J.Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol.7, No.2, pp.570-574 (2007.2.).

126.   J.H.Kwon, J.H.Seo, H.Kang, D.H.Choi and B.K.Ju, “p-type semiconducting a, w-dihexylsexithiophene for an organic thin film transistor”, J. Applied Physics, vol.101, pp.064502-1~4 (2007.3.).

127.   J.H.Kwon, S.H.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Screen-printed multicrystalline silicon solar cells with porous silicon antireflective layer formed by electrochemical etching”, J. Applied Physics, vol.101, pp.104515-1~4 (2007.5.)

128.   W.S.Cho, H.J.Lee, Y.D.Lee, J.H.Park, J.K.Kim, Y.H.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Carbon-nanotube-based triode field emission lamps using metal meshed with spacers”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol.28, no.5, pp.386-388 (2007.5.).

129.   J.H.Choi, Y.M.Kim, Y.W.Park, J.W.Heo, I.S.Kim, H.N.Hwang and B.K.Ju, “Evaluation of gas permeation barrier properties using electrical measurements of calcium degradation”, Rev. Sci. Instrum., vol.78, pp.064701-1~5 (2007.6.).

130.   J.W.Lee, K.S.Lee, N.Cho, B.K.Ju, K.B.Lee and S.H.Lee, “Topographical guidance of mouse neuronal cell on SiO2 microtracks”, Sensors and Actuators B, vol. 128, pp.252-257 (2007.6.).

131.   Y.D.Lee, K.S.Lee, Y.H.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Field emission properties of carbon nanotube film using a spray method”, Applied Surface Science, vol.254, pp.513-516 (2007.6.)

132.   K.Lee, C.Kim, K.S.Shin, J.W.Lee, B.K.Ju, T.S.Kim, S.K.Lee and J,Y.Kang, “Fabrication of round channels using the surface tension of PDMS and its application to a 3D serpentine mixer”, J.Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol.17, pp.1533-1541 (2007.7.)

133.   K.S.Shin, K.K.Paek, J.H.Park, T.S.Kim, B.K.Ju and J.Y.Kang, “Parastic bipolar junction transistors in a floating gate MOSFET for fluorescence detection”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol.28, no.7, pp.581-583 (2007.7.).

134.   Y.Kim, S.Hong, S.H.Lee, K.Lee, S.Yun, Y.Kang, K.K.Paek, B.K.Ju and B.Kim, “Novel platform for minimizing cell loss on separation process..Droplet-based magnetically activated cell separator”, Rev. Sci. Instrum., vol.78, pp.074301-1~7 (2007.7.).

135.   Y.D.Lee, H.J.Lee, Y.H.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Influences of field emission on agglomerated carbon nanotubes in pastes”, J. Vac. Sci. Tech., vol.B25, no.4, pp.1175-1178 (2007.7/8).

136.   J.H.Seo, J.H.Kwon, S.I.Shin, K.S.Seo and B.K.Ju, “Organic thin film transistors with polyvinyl alchol treated dielectric surface”, Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol.22, pp.1039-1043 (2007.8.).

137.   H.Xiaodan, H.S.Kim, M.J.Cho, J.I.Jin, Y.M.Kim, Y.W.Park, B.K.Ju and D.H.Choi, “Synthesis and photophysical properties of multi-branched ethynyl fluorine-labeled molecules” Synthetic Metals, vol.157, pp.1034-1039 (2007.10.).

138.   M.J.Cho, T.W.Lee, H.S.Kim, J.I.Jin, D.H.Kim, Y.M.Kim and B.K.Ju, “Synthesis and photophysical properties of new carbazole-based conjugated multi-branched molecules”, Macromolecular Research, vol.17, no.7, pp.595-600 (2007.12.31.).

139.   K.S.Lee, J.H.Kwon, S.I.Moon, W.S.Cho, Y.H.Lee and B.K.Ju, “pH sensitive multiwalled carbon nanotubes”, Materials Letters, vol.61, pp.3201-3203 (2007).

140.   N.Kim, Y.D.Lee, K.K.Paek, J.W.Lee, J.K.Kim, S.W.Hwang and B.K.Ju, “Characetrization of a passivation layer comprising MgO-SiO2 and ZrO2,” Surface and Interface Analysis, vol.39, pp.64-68 (2007).

141.   K.S.Shin, S.W.Lee, K.C.Han, S.K.Kim, E.K.Yang, J.H.Park, B.K.Ju, J.Y.Kang and T.S.Kim, “Amplification of fluorescence with packed beads to enhance the sensitivity of miniaturized detection in microfluidic chip,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol.22, pp.2261-2267 (2007).

142.   H.Xiaodan, H.S.Kim, M.J.Cho, J.I.Jin, Y.M.Kim, Y.W.Park, B.K.Ju and D.H.Choi, “Synthesis and photophysical properties of multi-branched ethynyl fluorine-labeled molecules”, Synthetic Metals, vol.157, pp.1034-1039 (2007).

143.   T.H.Tran, J.W.Lee, K.Lee, Y.D.Lee and B.K.Ju, “The gas sensing properties of single-walled carbon nanoyubes deposited on an aminosilane monolayer”, Sensors and Actuators B, vol.129, pp.67-71 (2008.1.).

144.   J.H.Kwon, J.H.Seo, S.I.Shin, K.H.Kim, D.H.Choi, I.B.Kang, H.Kang and B.K.Ju, “A 6, 13-bis (triisopropylsilylethynyl) Pentacene thin-film transistor using a spun-on inorganic gate-dielectric”, IEEE Tr. Electron Devices, vol.55, no.2, pp.500-505 (2008.2.).

145.   J.W.Huh, Y.M.Kim, Y.W.Park, J.H.Choi, J.W.Lee, J.W.Lee, J.W.Lee, J.W.Yang, S.H.Ju and K.K.Paek and B.K.Ju, “Characteristics of organic light-emitting diodes with conducting polymer anode on plastic substrates”, J. Applied Physics, vol.103, pp.044502-1~6 (2008.2.).

146.   S.I.Moon, K.K.Paek, Y.H.Lee, H.K.Park, J.K.Kim, S.W.Kim and B.K.Ju, “Bias-heating recovery of MWCNT gas sensor”, Materials Letters, vol.62, pp.2422-2425 (2008.2.).

147.   Y.K.Kim, E.K.Kim, S.W.Kim and B.K.Ju, “Low temperature epoxy bonding for wafer level MEMS packaging”, Sensors and Actuators A, vol.A143, pp.323-328 (2008.2.).

148.   N.V.Hieu, H.R.Kim, B.K.Ju and J.H.Lee, “Enhanced performance of SnO2 nanowires ethanol sensors by functionalizing with La2O3”, Sensors and Actuators B, vol.B133, pp.228-234 (2008.3.).

149.   J.S.Kim, S.W.Lee, K.D.Jung, W.B.Kim, S.H.Choa and B.K.Ju, “Quality factor measurement of micro gyroscope structure according to vacuum level and desired Q-factor range package method”, Microelectronics Realibility, vol.48, pp.948-952 (2008.5.).

150.   S.Chang, Y.W.Song, S.Lee, B.K.Ju and S.Y.Lee, “Efficient suppression of charge trapping in ZnO-based transparent thin film transistors with novel Al2O3/HfO2/Al2O3 structure”, Applied Physics Letter, vol.92, pp.192104-1~3 (2008.5.).

151.   S.I.Shin, J.H.Kwon, J.H.Seo and B.K.Ju, “Effect of modifying a methyl siloxane-based dielectric by a polymer thin film for pentacene thin-film transistors”, Applied Surface Science, vol.254, p.6987-6990 (2008.5.).

152.   S.I.Shin, J.H.Kwon, H.Kang and B.K.Ju, “Solution-processed 6, 13-bis (triisopropylsilylethynyl) (TIPS) Pentacene thin-film transistors with a polymer dielectric on a flexible substrate”Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol.23, p.085009 (2008.6.).

153.   J.Yun, K.Cho, B.Park, H.C.Kang, B.K.Ju and S.Kim, “Optical heating of ink-jet printable Ag and Ag-Cu nanoparticles”, Jpn.J.Appl.Phys., vol.46, no.6, pp.5070-5075 (2008.6.).

154.   M.J.Cho, M.H.Kim, K.N.Kim, J.I.Jin, Y.M.Kim, Y.W.Park, B.K.Ju and D.H.Choi, “Photoreactive hole-transporting polymer bearing oxetane moieties and its application to green polymer light-emitting diodes”, Synthetic Metals, vol.158, pp.785-789 (2008.6.).

155.   N.S.Kang, B.K.Ju, J.W.Kim, J.J.Kim, J.W.Yu and B.D.Chin, “Correlation of photoluminescent quantum efficiency and device characteristics for the soluble electrophosphorescent light emitter with interfacial layers”, J. Applied Physics, vol.104, pp.024511-1~8 (2008.7.)

156.   J.M.Cho, K.S.Kim, S.An, C.H.Yeo, K.Shin, B.K.Ju, S.Y.Lee and S.W.Kim, “A microelectromechanical systems-based vertical magnetometer-accelerometer with the modulated frequency difference in one microstructure”, Jpn.J.Appl.Phys., vol.47, no.7, pp.5432-5437 (2008.7.).

157.   J.Kim, S.Kwon, Y.Hong, I.Song and B.K.Ju, “A thermocompressive bonding method using a pure sputtered Au layer and its wafer scale package application” J. Vacuum Science and Technology, vol.B26, no.4, pp.1363-1367 (2008.7/8.).

158.   K.S.Lee, J.W.Lee, K.Y.Dong and B.K.Ju, “Gas sensing properties of single-wall carbon nanotubes dispersed with dimethylformamide”, Sensors and Actuators B, vol.B135, pp.214-218 (2008.8).

159.   T.T.Hong, K.S.Lee, J.W.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Selective placement of single-walled carbon nanotubes on pre-defined micro patterns on SiO2 surface based on a dry lift-off technique”, Current Applied Physics, vol.9, pp.S38-S42 (2008.9.).

160.   Y.W.Park, Y.M.Kim, J.H.Choi, J.W.Huh and B.K.Ju, “Diffusion characteristics and induced electronic channels of magnesium in organic light-emitting diodes”, J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol.8, no.10, pp.4958-4961 (2008.10.).

161.   S.Kwon, J.Kim, G.Park, Y.Hong, B.K.Ju and I.Song, “RF devices package method using Au to Au direct bonding technology,” Microelectronic Reliability, vol.49, pp.99-102 (2008.11.).

162.   E.B.Lee, C.H.Yeo, K.Shin, K.J.Lee, H.J.Lee, W.B.Lee and B.K.Ju, “A micro-electromechanical system based hydrogen gas sensor,” Sensor Letters, vol.6, no.6, pp.1014-1018 (2008.12.).

163.   M.J.Cho, J.I.Kim, C.S.Hong, Y.M.Kim, Y.W.Park, B.K.Ju and D.H.Choi, “Highly soluable green-emitting Ir(III) complexes with 9-(6-phenyl-pyridin-3-ylmethyl)-9H-carbazole ligands and their application to polymer light-emitting diodes”, J. Polymer Science: Part A: Polymer Chemistry, DOI 10.1002/pola, pp.7419-7428 (2008).

164.   J.H.Kwon, S.I.Shin, K.H.Kim, M.J.Cho, K.N.Kim, D.H.Choi and B.K.Ju, “Organic thin film transistors using 6, 13-bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl) Pentacene embedded into polymer binders,” Applied Physics Letter, vol.94, no.1, pp.013506-1~3 (2009.1.).

165.   I.S.Hwang, Y.S.Kim, S.J.Kim, B.K.Ju and J.H.Lee, “A facile fabrication of semiconductor nanowires gas sensor using PDMS patterning and solution deposition,” Sensors and Actuators B, vol.B136, pp.224-229 (2009.1.).

166.   J.Kim, S.Kwon, Y.Hong, H.Jeong, I.Song and B.K.Ju, “Thick membrane operated rf microelectromechanical system switch with low actuation voltage,” J.Vac.Sci.Tech., vol.B27, no.1, pp.1-5 (2009.1/2.).

167.   J.H.Kwon, S.I.Shin, J.Choi, M.H.Chung, H.Kang and B.K.Ju, “A flexible organic thin-film transistor with 6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl) Pentacene and a methyl-siloxane-based dielectric,” Solid-State Electronics, vol.53, pp.266-270 (2009.2.).

168.   J.M.Lee, B.H.Choi, M.J.Ji, Y.T.An, J.H.Park, J.H.Kwon and B.K.Ju, “Effect of barrier layers on the properties of indium tin oxide thin films on soda lime glass substrates,” Thin Solid Films, vol.517, pp.4074-4077 (2009.2.).

169.   Y.W.Park, J.H.Jang, Y.M.Kim, J.H.Choi, T.H.Park, J.Choi and B.K.Ju, “Effect of the plasma treatment of anode electrode of the organic light-emitting diodes on the growth of hole-injection layer,” Thin Solid Films, vol.517, pp.4108-4110 (2009.2.).

170.   M.K.Lee, T.G.Kim, B.K.Ju and Y.M.Sung, “Bismuth seed-assisted liquid-phase synthesis of germanium telluride nanowires,” Crystal Growth & Design, vol.9, no.2, pp.938-941 (2009.2.).

171.   Y.W.Park, Y.M.Kim, J.H.Choi, J.W.Huh and B.K.Ju, “UV-Vis absorption and photoluminescence characteristics of doped organic solid depend on its doping concentration”, J.Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol.9, pp.1607-1610 (2009.2.).

172.   E.B.Lee, B.K.Ju and Y.T.Kim, “Phase change and electrical characteristics of Ge-Se-Te alloys,” Microelectronic Engineering, vol.86, pp.1950-1953 (2009.3).

173.   J.H.Choi, Y.M.Kim, Y.W.Park, T.H.Park, K.Y.Dong and B.K.Ju, “Hydrophobic nanopatterning on a flexible gas barrier film by using a poly (dimethylsiloxane) elastomer,” Nanotechnology, vol.20, 135303 (2009.3.).

174.   J.H.Kwon, J.H.Seo, S.I.Shin and B.K.Ju, “A zinc-oxide thin-film transistor using a spun-on dielectric and gate electrode,” J.Phys.D: Appl.Phys, vol.42, 065105 (2009.3.).

175.   J.H.Kwon, S.I.Shin, J.Choi, M.H.Chung, T.Y.Oh, K.H.Kim, M.J.Cho, K.N.Kim, D.H.Choi and B.K.Ju, “Channel width effect for organic thin film transistors using TIPS-pentacene employed as a dopant of poly-triarylamine,” Organic Electronics, vol.10, pp.729-734 (2009.3.).

176.   J.C.Kim, J.T.Chung, D.J.Lee, Y.K.Kim, J.W.Kim, S.W.Whang, B.K.Ju, S.K.Yun and H.W.Park, “Development of temperature feedback control system for piezo-actuated display packaging,” Sensors and Actuators A, vol.A151, pp.213-219 (2009.4.).

177.   J.M.Lee, B.H.Choi, M.J.Ji, J.H.Park, J.H.Kwon and B.K.Ju, “The improved performance of a transparent ZnO thin-film transistor with AlN/Al2O3 double gate dielectrics,” Semicond. Sci. Technol., vol.24, p.055008 (2009.4.).

178.   J.Kim, S.Kwon, H.Jeong, Y.Hong, S.Lee, I.Song and B.K.Ju, “A stiff and flat membrane operated DC contact type RF MEMS switch with low actuation voltage,” Sensors and Actuators A, vol.A153, pp.114-119 (2009.4.).

179.   J.H.Kwon, S.I.Shin, J.Choi, M.H.Chung, H.Ryu, U.Zshieschang, H.Klauk, J.E.Anthony and B.K.Ju, “Hysteresis effects by source/drain interdigitated-finger geometry in 6, 13-Bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl) Pentacene thin film transistors,” Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, vol.12, no.8, pp.H285-H287 (2009.5.).

180.   J.H.Choi, Y.M.Kim, Y.W.Park, T.H.Park, K.Y.Dong and B.K.Ju, “Hydrophilic dots on hydrophobic nanopatterned surfaces as a flexible gas barrier,” Langmuir, vol.25, no.12, pp.7156-7160 (2009.5).

181.   M.J.Cho, J.I.Jin, D.H.Choi, Y.M.Kim, Y.W.Park and B.K.Ju, “Phosphorescent, green-emitting Ir(III) complexes with carbazolyl-sustituted 2-phenylpyridine ligands..Effect of binding mode of the cabazole group on photoluminescence and electrophosphorescence,” Dyes and Pigments, vol.83, pp. 218-224 (2009.5.).

182.   N.S.Kang, B.K.Ju, C.Lee, J.P.Ahn, B.D.Chin and J.W.Yu, “Partitioning of the organic layers for the fabrication of high efficiency organic photovoltaic devices,” Organic Electronics, vol.10, pp.1091-1096 (2009.5.).

183.   Y.M.Park, K.Y.Dong, J.Lee, J.Choi, G.N.Bae and B.K.Ju, “Development of an ozone gas sensor using single-walled carbon nanotubes,” Sensors and Actuators B, vol.B140, pp.407-411 (2009.5.).

184.   B.H.Cha, S.M.Lee, J.C.Park, K.S.Hwang, S.K.Kim, Y.S.Lee, B.K.Ju and T.S.Kim, “Detection of hepatitis B virus(HBV) DNA at femtomolar concentrations using a silica nanoparticle-enhanced microcantilever sensor,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol.24, pp.130-135 (2009.6.).

185.   J.W.Huh, J.W.Jeong, J.W.Lee, S.I.Shin, J.H.Kwon, J.Choi, H.G.Yoon, G.I.Cho, I.K.You, S.Y.Kang and B.K.Ju, “Carbon nanotube and conducting polymer dual-layered films fabricated by microcontact printing,” Applied Physics Letter, vol.94, no.1, pp.223311-1~3 (2009.6.).

186.   J.H.Kwon, S.I.Shin, C.H.Kim, I.K.You, G.I.Cho and B.K.Ju, “Flexible organic thin-film transistors for photodetectors,” J.Korean Physical Society, vol.55, no.1, pp.72-75 (2009.7.).

187.   S.D.Kwon, B.K.Ju, S.J.Yoon and J.S.Kim, “Fabrication of bismuth telluride-based alloy thin film thermoelectric devices grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition,” J.Electronic Materials, vol.38, no.7, pp.920-924 (2009.7.).

188.   Y.H.Kim, J.H.Kwon, S.I.Shin, B.Y.Oh, H.G.Park, K.K.Paek, B.K.Ju and D.S.Seo, “Organization of Pentacene molecules on anisotropic ultrathin HfO2/Al2O3 templates for organic thin-film transistors using an ion-beam treatment,” Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, vol.12, no.8, pp.H305-H308 (2009.6.).

189.   K.H.Cho, T.G.Seong, J.Y.Choi, J.S.Kim, J.H.Kwon, S.I.Shin, M.H.Chung, B.K.Ju and S.Nahm, “A flexible amorphous Bi5Nb3O15 film for the gate insulator of the low-voltage operating pentacene thin-film transistor fabricated at room temperature,” Langmuir, vol.25, no.20, pp.12349-12354 (2009.7).

190.   W.S.Cho, Y.D.Lee, Y.C.Kim, Y.C.Son, J.N.Heo, I.T.Han, J.H.Park and B.K.Ju, “Fabrication and field emission properties of spray-deposited RNA-carbon nanotube film,” Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, vol.12, no.9, pp.J83-J86 (2009.7).

191.   I.S.Hwang, J.K.Choi, S.J.Kim, K.Y.Dong, J.H.Kwon, B.K.Ju and J.H.Lee, “Enhanced H2S sensing characteristics of SnO2 nanowires functionalized with CuO,” Sensors and Actuators B, vol.B142, pp.105-110 (2009.8.).

192.   M.J.Cho, J.Shin, J.I.Jin, Y.M.Park, Y.W.Park, B.K.Ju and D.H.Choi, “Photoreactive main chain conjugated polymer containing oxetane moieties in the side chain and its application to green electrophosphorescence devices,” Synthetic Metals, vol.159, pp.2147-2152 (2009.9.).

193.   T.H.Park, Y.M.Kim, Y.W.Park, J.H.Choi, J.W.Jeong, K.Y.Dong, K.C.Choi and B.K.Ju, “Micropixel array of organic light-emitting diodes applying imprinting technique with a polymer replica,” Applied Physics Letters, vol.95, pp.093301-1~3 (2009.9.).

194.   T.H.Park, Y.M.Kim, Y.W.Park, J.H.Choi, J.W.Jeong, K.C.Choi and B.K.Ju, “Self-assembled microarray of organic light-emitting diodes using a self-assembled monolayer by microcontact printing,” Applied Physics Letters, vol.95, 113310-1~3 (2009.9.).

195.   M.J.Cho, J.I.Jin, D.H.Choi, J.H.Yoon, C.S.Hong, Y.M.Park, Y.W.Park and B.K.Ju, “Tunable emission of polymer light emitting diodes bearing green-emitting Ir(III) complexes: The structural role of 9-((6-(4-fluorophenyl)pyridine-3-yl)methyl)-9H-cabazole ligands,” Dyes and Pigments, vol.85, pp. 143-151 (2009.10.).

196.   J.H.Kwon, M.H.Chung, T.Y.Oh, H.S.Bae, J.H.Park, B.K.Ju and F.Yakuphanoglu, “High-mobility pentacene thin-film phototransistor with poly-4-vinylphenol gate dielectric,” Sensors and Actuators A, vol.A156, pp.312-316 (2009.10.).

197.   Y.W.Park, Y.M.Kim, J.H.Choi, T.H.Park, J.W.Huh, H.S.Kim, M.J.Cho, D.H.Choi and B.K.Ju, “Highly efficient tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum-based organic light-emitting diodes utilized by balanced energy transfer with cosensitizing fluorescent dyes,” Applied Physics Letters, vol.95, 143305-1~3 (2009.10.).

198.   J.S.Kim, S.W.Kwon, Y.T.Hong, H.M.Jeong, I.S.Song and B.K.Ju, “Thick-membrane-operated radio frequency switches with wafer level package using gold compressive bonding,” J. Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS (JM3), vol.8, no.4, pp.043020-1~6 (2009.10/12).

199.   Y.D.Lee, J.W.Yu, W.S.Cho, Y.C.Kim, I.T.Han, Y.H.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Multi-walled carbon nanotube/ribonucleic acid hybrid field emitters fabricated by spray deposition,” Carbon, vol.48, pp.1131-1136 (2009.11.).

200.   J.W.Lee, K.S.Lee, B.K.Ju, H.J.Cho, N.S.Lee, M.Y.Kim, E.H.Kim and K.B.Lee, “Carbon nanotube pillar structures for human neural cell culture,” J.Vac.Sci.Technol., vol.B27, no.6, pp.2444-2448 (2009.11/12.).

201.   S.W.Kwon, J.S.Kim, G.S.Park, Y.T.Hong, B.K.Ju and I.S.Song, “RF devices package method using Au direct bonding technology”, Microelectronics Rliability, vol.49, pp.99-102 (2009).

202.   Y.H.Lee, B.K.Ju, W.S.Jeon, J.H.Kwon, O.O.Park, J.W.Yu and B.D.Chin, “Balancing the white emission of OLED by a design of fluorescenct blue and phosphorescent green-red emitting layer structure,” Synthetic Metals, vol.159, pp.325-330 (2009).

203.   J.H.Kwon, S.H.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Thin film silicon substrate formation using electrochemical anodic etchning method” Surface Engineering, vol.25, no.8, PP.603-605 (2009).

204.   W.S.Chung, H.Lee, W.Lee, M.J.Ko, N.G.Park, B.K.Ju and K.Kim, “Solution processed polymer tandem cell utilizing organic layer coated nano-crystalline TiO2 as interlayer,” Organic Electronics, vol.11, pp.521-528 (2010.1.).

205.   J.W.Jeong, J.W.Huh, J.I.Lee, H.Y.Chu, I.K.Han and B.K.Ju, “Effects of thermal annealing on the efficiency of bulk-heterojunction organic photovoltaic devices,” Current Applied Physics, vol.10, pp.S520-S524 (2010.2.).

206.   J.W.Jeong, Y.D.Lee, Y.M.Kim, Y.W.Park, J.H.Choi, T.H.Park, D.S.Choi, M.W.Song, I.K.Han and B.K.Ju, “The response characteristics of a gas sensor based on poly-3-hexylithiophene thin-film transistors,”Sensors and Actuators B, vol.B146, pp.40-45 (2010.2.).

207.   J.H.Kwon, M.H.Chung, T.Y.Oh, B.K.Ju and F.Yakuphanoglu, “Enhanced electrical and photosensing properties of pentacene organic thin-film phototransistors by modifying the gate dielectric thickness,” Microelectronic Engineering, vol.87, pp.2306-2311 (2010.3.).

208.   J.H.Kwon, S.I.Shin, J.Choi, M.H.Chung, T.Y.Oh, K.H.Kim, D.H.Choi and B.K.Ju, “Organic thin film transistor with poly(4-vinylbiphenyl) blended 6, 13-Bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl) pentacene on propyleneglycolmonomethylether-acetate dielectric surface,” J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol.10, pp.3198-3202 (2010.3.).

209.   Y.W.Park, Y.M.Kim, J.H.Choi, T.H.Park, J.W.Jeong, M.J.Cho, D.H.Choi and B.K.Ju, “Electroluminescence property of highly soluble Ir(III) complex utilized by various hole blocking layers in polymer light emitting diodes,” J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol.10, pp.3250-3253 (2010.3.).

210.   J.A.Lee, B.C.Lee, S.M.Lee, K.K.Paek, B.K.Ju, Y.H.Lee and H.J.Shin, “Interaction between carbonaceous structure and functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes,” J.Electrochemical Society, vol.157, no.6, pp.K131-K137 (2010.4.).

211.   Y.W.Park, Y.M.Kim, J.H.Choi, T.H.Park, H.J.Choi, M.J.Cho, U.R.Lee, D.H.Choi and B.K.Ju, “Color stable white organic light-emitting diodes having high color rendering index utilized by simple-hybrid structures,” Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, vol.13, no.7, pp.J81-J84 (2010.4.).

212.   M.J.Cho, U.R.Lee, Y.S.Kim, J.Shin, Y.M.Kim, Y.W.Park, B.K.Ju, J.I.Jin and D.H.Choi, “Organic soluable deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) bearing carbazole  moieties and its blend with phosphorescent Ir(III) complexes,” J.Polymer Science: Part A: Polymer Chemistry, vol.48, no.9, pp.1913-1918 (2010.5.).

213.   Y.W.Park, Y.M.Kim, J.H.Choi, T.H.Park, J.W.Jeong, H.J.Choi and B.K.Ju, “Enhanced electroluminescence efficiency of phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes by controlling the triplet energy of the hole-blocking layer,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol.31, no.5, pp.452-454 (2010.5.).

214.   S.P.Chang, K.Y.Dong, J.H.Park, T.Y.Oh, J.W.Kim, S.Y.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Scaling down of amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide thin film transistors on the polyethersulfone substrate employing the protection layer of parylene-C for the large-scale integration,” Applied Physics Letters, vol.96, 243504-1~3 (2010.6.).

215.   J.H.Kwon, S.I.Shin, M.H.Chung, K.Y.Dong, J.J,Pak and B.K.Ju, “Flexible organic thin-film transistors using single-walled carbon nanotubes as an activated channel,” Thin Solid Films, vol.518, no.22, pp.6168-6173 (2010.9.).

216.   J.H.Park, J.H.Kwon, S.P.Chang, H.Seo, B.H.Choi, M.J.Ji, J.Choi, J.J.Pak and B.K.Ju, “Development of a hybrid inverter through integration of organic and inorganic thin film transistors,” Thin Solid Films, vol.518, no.22, pp.6264-6267 (2010.9.).

217.   M.H.Chung, J.H.Kwon, T.Y.Oh, S.J.Lee, D.H.Choi and B.K.Ju, “Polymer binder effects on the electrical characteristics of 6, 13-bis(triisopropylsilyethynyl) -pentacene thin-film transistors in different solvent,” Thin Solid Films, vol.518, no.22, pp.6289-6294 (2010.9.).

218.   H.S.Bae, J.H.Kwon, S.Chang, M.H.Chung, T.Y.Oh, J.H.Park, S.Y.Lee, J.J.Pak and B.K.Ju, “The effect of annealing on amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide thin film transistors,”Thin Solid Films, vol.518, no.22, pp.6325-6329 (2010.9.).

219.   J.W.Jeong, J.W.Huh, J.I.Lee, H.Y.Chu, J.J.Pak and B.K.Ju, “Interdigitated electrode geometry effects on the performance of organic photoconductors for optical sensor applications,” Thin Solid Films, vol.518, no.22, pp.6343-6347 (2010.9.).

220.   S.Y.Lee, J.H.Chang, D.Kim, B.K.Ju and J.J.Pak, “Solder bump creation by using droplet microgripper for electronic packaging,” Electronics Letters, vol.46, no.19 (2010.9.).

221.   Y.H.Kim, B.Y.Kim, H.G.Park, J.H.Kwon, K.K.Paek, B.K.Ju and D.S.Seo, “A pixel-isolated flexible liquid crystal display with a homogeneous alignment on an amorphous ZrO2 thin film deposited at room temperature,” Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, vol.13, no.12, pp.J143-J145 (2010.9.).

222.   J.H.Choi, Y.M.Kim, Y.W.Park, T.H.Park, J.W.Jeong, H.J.Choi, E.H.Song, J.W.Lee, C.H.Kim and B.K.Ju, “Highly conformal SiO2/Al2O3 nanolaminate gas-diffusion barriers for large-area flexible electronics applications,” Nanotechnology, vol.21, pp.475203-1~6 (2010.10.).

223.   K.S.Lee, J.W.Lee, S.I.Kim and B.K.Ju, “Single-walled carbon nanotube/nafion composites as methanol sensors,” Carbon, vol.49, pp.787-792 (2010.10.).

224.   W.S.Cho, Y.D.Lee, J.Choi, J.H.Han and B.K.Ju, “Effects on the field emission properties by variation in surface morphology of patterned photosensitive carbon nanotube paste using organic solvent,” Applied Surface Science, vol.257, pp.2250-2253 (2010.10.).

225.   E.B.Lee, I.S.Hwang, J.H.Cha, H.J.Lee, W.B.Lee, J.J.Pak, J.H.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Micromachined catalytic combustible hydrogen gas sensor,” Sensors and Actuators B, vol.B153, pp.392-397 (2010.11.).

226.   S.W.Jeong, J.W.Jeong, S.Chang, S.Y.Kang, K.I.Cho and B.K.Ju, “The vertically stacked organic sensor-transistor on a flexible substrate,” Applied Physics Letters, vol.97, pp.253309-1~3 (2010.12.).

227.   H.J.Lee, Y.H.Kim, J.J.Lee, H.G.Park, S.Yang, B.Y.Kim, Y.D.Lee, B.K.Ju and D.S.Seo, “Orientational control of liquid crystal molecules by reformed poly(dimethylsiloxane) alignment layer via ion-beam irradiation,” Materials Chemistry and Physics, vol.126, pp.628-631 (2011.1.).

228.   J.C.Kim, D.J.Lee, S.W.Hwang, B.K.Ju, S.K.Yun, H.W.Park and J.T.Chung, “Investigation of the cause of a malfunction in a display package and its solution,” IEEE Tr. Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology, vol.1, no.1, pp.119-124 (2011.1.).

229.   J.I.Choi, M.H.Chung, K.Y.Dong, E.M.Park, D.J.Ham, Y.K.Park, I.S.Song, J.J.Pak and B.K.Ju, “Investigation on fabrication of nanoscale patterns using laser interference lithography,” J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol.11, pp.778-781 (2011.1.).

230.   K.Kim, K.Shin, J.H.Han, K.R.Lee, W.H.Kim, K.B.Park, B.K.Ju and J.J.Pak, “Deformable single wall carbon nanotube electrode for transparent tactile touch screen,” Electronics Letters, vol.47, no.2 (2011.1.).

231.   T.Y.Oh, N.S.Kang, K.Y.Dong, S.Chang, J.H.Park, S.W.Jung, S.J.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Fabrication of 6, 13-bis(triisopropylsilyethynyl)-pentacene thin-film transistors with a silver ink transfer method using a polymer stamp,” Phys.Status.Solidi RRL, vol.5, no.3, pp.101-103 (2011.1.).

232.   E.M.Park, J.Choi, B.H.Kang, K.Y.Dong, Y.K.Park, I.S.Song and B.K.Ju, “Investigation of the effects of bottom anti-reflective coating on nanoscale patterns by laser interference lithography,” Thin Solid Films, vol.519, pp.4220-4224 (2011.2.).

233.   S.M.Kwon, G.B.Kang, Y.T.Kim, Y.H.Kim and B.K.Ju, “In-situ detection of C-reactive protein using silicon nanowire field effect transistor,” J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol.11, pp.1511-1514 (2011.2.).

234.   S.W.Jeong, J.W.Jeong, S.P.Chang, T.Y.Oh, S.Y.Kang, K.I.Cho and B.K.Ju, “The study of the photo-response characteristics of organic photosensors integrated with with pentacene based thin film transistors,” Sensors and Actuators B, vol.B156, pp.657-661 (2011.2.).

235.   Y.W.Park, Y.M.Kim, J.H.Choi, T.H.Park, H.J.Choi, H.J.Yu, M.J.Cho, D.H.Choi, S.H.Kim and B.K.Ju, “White organic light-emitting diodes utilized by near UV-deep blue emitter and enciplex emission,” J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol.11, no.2, pp.1381-1384 (2011.2.).

236.   J.W.Jeong, Y.W.Park, T.H.Park, J.H.Choi, H.J.Choi, E.H.Song, J.I.Lee, H.Y.Chu and B.K.Ju, “The emission properties of integrated organic light emitting diodes with organic photo sensor for emotional lighting applications,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol.32, no.3, pp.348-350 (2011.3.).

237.   K.Y.Dong, J.K.Choi, I.S.Hwang, J.I.Lee, B.H.Kang, D.J.Ham, J.H.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Enhanced H2S sensing characteristics of Pt doped SnO2 nanofibers sensors with micro heater,”Sensors and Actuators B, vol.B157, pp.154-161 (2011.3.).

238.   T.H.Park, Y.W.Park, J.H.Choi, H.J.Choi, J.W.Jeong, E.H.Song, K.C.Choi and B.K.Ju, “Contact printing of the emitting layer for high performance multilayered phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes,” Organic Electronics, vol.12, pp.1063-1067 (2011.3.).

239.   I.S.Hwang, E.B.Lee, S.J.Kim, J.K.Choi, J.H. Cha, H.J.Lee, B.K.Ju, and J.H.Lee,"Gas sensing properties of SnO2 nanowires on micro heater," Sensors and Actuators B, vol.B154, pp.295-300 (2011.4.).

240.   V.L.C.Fai, Y.D.Lee, K.Lee, K.S.Lee, D.J.Ham and B.K.Ju, “Sensing properties of polyethylenimine coated carbon nanotubes in oxidized oil,” Talanta, pp.463-468 (2011.4.).

241.   W.H.Lee, C.Y.Kang, D.S.Paik, B.K.Ju and S.J.Yoon, “Butterfly-shaped ultra slim piezoelectric ultrasonic linear motor,” Sensors and Actuators A, vol.A168, pp.127-130 (2011.4.).

242.   E.H.Song, Y.W.Park, J.H.Choi, T.H.Park, J.W.Jeong, H.J.Choi and B.K.Ju, “The flexible Ca-test: An improved performance in a gas permeability measurement system,” Rev.Sci.Instrum., vol.82, pp.054702-1~5 (2011.5.).

243.   M.Kim, I.K.You, H.Han, S.W.Jung, T.Y.Kim, B.K.Ju and J.B.Ku, “Organic thin-film transistors with short channel length fabricated by reverse offset printing,” Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, vol.14, no.8, pp.H333-H336 (2011.5.).

244.   H.G.Park, J.J.Lee, K.Y.Dong, Y.H.Kim, H.Y.Jeong, B.K.Ju and D.S.Seo, “Hometropic alignment of liquid crystals on a nano-patterned polyimide surface using nanoimprint lithography,” Soft Matter, vol.7, pp.5610-5614 (2011.6.).

245.   N.S.Kang, B.K.Ju, T.W.Lee, D.H.Choi, J.M.Hong and J.W.Yu, “Organic photovoltaic devices with a crosslinkable polymer interlayer,” Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, vol.95, pp.2831-2836 (2011.6.).

246.   J.A.Lee, K.K.Paek, S.Lee, B.K.Ju, Y.H.Lee and H.J.Shin, “Transport characterization of chemically-functionalized single-walled carbon nanotube thin film transistor,”J.Electrochem.Soc., vol. 158, no.9, pp.K145-K182 (2011.7.).

247.   J.H.Choi, X.You, J.H.Chang, B.K.Ju and J.J.Pak, “Wettability control of a transparent substrate using ZnO nanorods,”J.Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol.11, pp.5944-5948 (2011.7.).

248.   J.W.Jeong, Y.W.Park, T.H.Park, J.H.Choi, H.J.Choi, E.H.Song and B.K.Ju, “The response characteristics of ordor sensor based on organic thin-film transistor for environment malodor measurement,” Current Applied Physics, vol.11, pp.S163-S166 (2011.7.).

249.   X.You, J.H.Chang, B.K.Ju and J.J.Pak, “An electrochemical route to graphene oxide,” J.Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol.11, pp.5965-5968 (2011.7.).

250.   S.Ahn, J.I.Choi, E.Kim, K.Y.Dong, H.Jeon, B.K.Ju and K.B.Lee “Combined laser interference and photolithography patterning of a hybrid mask mold for nanoimprint lithography,” J.Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol.11, pp.6039-6043 (2011.7.).

251.   D.Y.Yoo, E.Chong, D.H.Kim, B.K.Ju and S.Y.Lee, “Effect of magnesium oxide passivation on the performance of amorphous indium-gallium-zinc-oxide thin film transistors,” Thin Solid Films, vol.520, pp.3783-3786 (2011.10.).

252.   K.H.Park, E.Chong, B.K.Ju and S.Y.Lee, “Effect of indium contents on the solution-processed SiInZnO thin film transistors annealed at low temperature,” Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, vol.14, no.12, pp.H491-H493 (2011.11.).

253.   K.Y.Dong, D.J.Ham, B.H.Kang, J.Choi, J.W.Lee, H.H.Choi and B.K.Ju, “Effect of plasma treatment on the gas sensor with single-walled carbon nanotube paste,”Talanta, vol.89, pp.33-37 (2011.11.).

254.   H.H.Choi, J.Lee, K.Y.Dong, B.K.Ju and W.Lee, “Noxious gas detection using carbon nanotubes with Pd nanoparticles,” Nanoscale Research Letters, vol.6:605, pp.1-6 (2011.11.).

255.   Y.D.Lee, W.S.Cho, Y.C.Kim and B.K.Ju, “Field emission of ribonnucleis acid-carbon nanotube films prepared by electrophoretic deposition,” Carbon, vol.50, pp.845-850 (2011.11.)

256.   J.H.Park, S.Chang, T.Y.Oh, B.H.Choi, M.J.Ji and B.K.Ju, “Fabrication of oxide thin film transistor based on SOG dielectric and solution ZnO,” J. Ceramic Processing Research, vol.12, no.2, pp.s147-s149 (2011).

257.   Y.W.Park, J.H.Choi, T.H.Park, E.H.Song, H.Kim, H.J.Lee, S.J.Shin, W.J.Song and B.K.Ju, “Role of n-dopant based electron injection layer in n-doped organic light-emitting diodes and its simple alternative,” Applied Physics Letters, vol.100, pp.013312-1~4 (2012.1.).

258.   I.S.Hwang, S.J.Kim, J.K.Choi, J.J.Jung, D.J.Yoo, K.Y.Dong, B.K.Ju and J.H.Lee, “Large-scale fabrication of highly sensitive SnO2 nanowire network gas sensors by single step vapor phase growth,” Sensors and Actuators B, vol.B165, pp.97-103 (2012.2.).

259.   H.H.Choi, J.Lee, K.Y.Dong, B.K.Ju and W.Lee, “Gas sensing performance of composite materials using conducting polymer/single-walled carbon nanotubes,” Macromolecular Research, vol.20, no.2, pp.143-146 (2012.2.).

260.   J.H.Choi, Y.W.Park, T.H.Park, E.H.Song, H.J.Lee, H.K.Kim, S.J.Shin, Vincent Lau and B.K.Ju, “Fuzzy nanoassembly of polyelectrolyte and layered clay multicomposite toward a reliable gas barrier,” Langmuir, vol.28, pp.6826-6831 (2012.4.).

261.   M.S.Kim, J.B.Koo, K.J.Baeg, Y.Y.Noh, Y.S.Yang, S.W.Jung, B.K.Ju and I.K.You, “Effect of curing temperature on nano-silver paste ink for organic thin-film transistors,”J.Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol.12, no.4, pp.3272-3275 (2012.4.).

262.   S.Chang, M.H.Chung, J.H.Kwon, S.I.Shin, T.Y.Oh, K.Y.Dong, S.J.Lee, K.H.Cho, S.Nahm and B.K.Ju, “Low-voltage-driven pentacene thin-film transistors with cross-linked poly (4-vinylphenol)/high-k Bi5Nb3O15 hybrid dielectric for phototransistor,” J.Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol.12, no.4, pp.3355-3359 (2012.4.)

263.   J.Shin, N.S.Kang, K.H.Kim, T.W.Lee, J.I.Jin, M.Kim, K.Lee, B.K.Ju, J.M.Hong and D.H.Choi, “J-aggregation induced low bandgap anthracene-based conjugated molecule for solution-processed solar cells,” ChemComm, vol.48, pp.8490-8492 (2012.6.).

264.   K.S.Lee, Y.D.Lee, B.H.Kang, K.Y.Dong, V.L.C.Fai, W.S.Kim, C.M.Yang and B.K.Ju, “The effect of surface treatments on the field emission characteristics of patterned carbon nanotubes on KOVAR substrate,”J.Nanopart.Res., vol.14, pp.890-898 (2012.6.).

265.   K.S.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Carbon-nanotube-based flexible devices using a mechanical transfer method,” Phys.Status.Solodi, vol.A, pp.1-5 (2012.6.).

266.   Y.W.Park, H.J.Choi, J.H.Choi, T.H.Park, J.W.Jeong, E.H.Song and B.K.Ju, “Enhanced power efficiency of organic light-emitting diodes using pentacene on CF4-plasma-treated indium tin oxide anodes,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol.33, no.8, pp.1156-1158 (2012.8.).

267.   M.S.Kim, J.B.Koo, K.J.Baeg, S.W.Jung, B.K.Ju and I.K.You, “Top-gate staggered poly(3.3”-dialkyl-quarterthiophene) organic thin-film transistor with reverse-offset-printed silver source/drain electrodes,” Applied Physics Letters, vol.101, pp.133306-1~5 (2012.9.).

268.   W.H.Lee, S.J.Yoon, C.Y.Kang, H.Y.Lee, Y.S.Lim, B.K.Ju and D.Y.Jeong, “Fabrication and analysis of butterfly-type piezoelectric actuators,” J.Korean Physical Soc., vol.61, no.6, pp.882-886 (2012.9.).

269.   S.J.Shin, T.H.Park, J.H.Choi, E.H.Song, H.K.Kim, H.J.Lee, J.I.Lee, H.Y.Chu, K.B.Lee, Y.W.Park and B.K.Ju, “Improvement of light out-coupling in organic light-emitting diodes by printed nanosized random texture layer,” Organic Electronics, vol.14, pp.187-192 (2012.11.).

270.   H.J.Lee, T.H.Park, J.H.Choi, E.H.Song, S.J.Shin, H.K.Kim, K.C.Choi, Y.W.Park and B.K.Ju, “Negative mold transfer patterned conductive polymer electrode for flexible organic light-emitting diodes,” Organic Electronics, vol.14, pp.416-422 (2012.12.).

271.   S.W.Jeong, G.B.Lee, H.J.Ha, S.K.Kwon, Y.H.Kim and B.K.Ju, “The electrical and photoconductivity characteristics of donor-acceptor alternating copolymer using solution process,” Applied Physics Letters, vol.101, pp.243301-1~5 (2012.12.).

272.   K.Y.Dong, J.Choi, Y.D.Lee, B.H.Kang, Y.Y.Yu, H.H.Choi and B.K.Ju, “Detection of a CO and NH3 gas mixture using carboxylic acid-functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes,”Nanoscale Research Letters, vol.8, no.12 (2013.1.).

273.   N.S.Kang, M.H.Hoang, D.H.Choi, B.K.Ju, J.M.Hong and J.W.Yu, “Enhanced performance of organic photovoltaic devices by photo-crosslinkable buffer layer,” Macromolecular Research, vol.21, no.1, pp.65-70 (2013.1.).

274.   T.Y.Oh, S.W.Jeong, S.Chang, K.Choi, H.J.Ha and B.K.Ju, “The silicon Schottky diode on flexible substrates by transfer method,” Applied Physics Letters, vol.102, pp.021106-1~3 (2013.1.).

275.   Y.S.Do, J.H.Park, B.Y.Hwang, S.M.Lee, B.K.Ju and K.C.Choi, “Plasmonic color filter and its fabrication for large-area applications, Advanced Optical Materials-Front cover, vol.1, pp.133-138 (2013.2.).

276.   J.H.Seo, J.H.Park, D.Zhao, H.Yang, W.Zhou, B.K.Ju and Z.Ma, “Large-area printed broadband membrane reflectors by laser interference lithography,” IEEE Photonics J., vol.5, no.1 (2013.2.).

277.   J.H.Seo, T.Y.Oh, J.Park, W.Zhou, B.K.Ju and Z.Ma, “A multifunction heterojunction formed between pentacene and a single-crystal silicon nanomembrane,”: Advanced Functional Materials-Front cover, vol.23, pp.3398-3403 (2013.2.).

278.   K.Y.Dong, Y.D.Lee, B.H.Kang, J.Choi and B.K.Ju, “Design of a multi-walled carbon nanotube field emitter with micro vacuum gauge,” Nanoscale Research Letters, vol.8, no.143 (2013.3.).

279.   Y.S.Kim, T.H.Kim, B.S.Kim, D.K.Lee, H.G.Kim, B.K.Ju and K.K.Kim, “Transient photovoltage and dark current analysis on enhanced open-circuit voltage of polymer solar cells with hole blocking TiO2 nanoparticle interfacial layer,” Organic Electronics, vol.14, pp.1749-1754 (2013.4.).

280.   H.J.Ha, S.W.Jeong, T.Y.Oh, M.Kim, K.Choi, J.H.Park and B.K.Ju, “Flexible low-voltage pentacene memory thin-film transistors with combustion-processable Al2O3 gate dielectric and Au nanoparticles,” J. Phys. D: Appl.Phys., vol.46, p.235102 (2013.5.).

281.   K.Choi, M.Kim, T.Y.Oh, S.W.Jeong, H.J.Ha and B.K.Ju, “High-performance amorphous indium oxide thin-film transistors fabricated by an aqueous solution process at low temperature,” Jpn.J.Appl.Phys, vol.52, pp.060204-1~4 (2013.5.).

282.   H.W.Seok, S.K.Kim, H.S.Lee, M.J.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Pulsed DC bias effects on p-type semiconductor SrCu2O2 film deposited by RF magnetron sputtering,” J.Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol.13, no.5, pp.3341-3345 (2013.5.).

283.   T.Y.Oh, S.W.Jeong, S.Chang, J.H.Park, J.W.Kim, K.Choi, H.J.Ha, B.Y.Hwang and B.K.Ju, “Post annealing effects on the electrical characteristics of pentacene thin film transistors on flexible substrates,”J.Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol.13, no.5, pp.3491-3494 (2013.5.).

284.   N.S.Kang, B.K.Ju and J.W.Yu, “Module structure for an organic photovoltaic device,” Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, vol.116, pp.219-223 (2013.6.).

285.   S.B.Lee, J.H.Baek, B.H.Kang, K.Y.Dong, Y.Y.Yu, Y.D.Lee and B.K.Ju, “The annealing effects of tungsten oxide interlayer based on organic photovoltaic cells,” Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, vol.11, pp.203-208 (2013.7.).

286.   D.H.Kim, Y.S.Shim, H.G.Moon, H.J.Chang, D.Su, S.Y.Kim, J.S.Kim, B.K.Ju, S.J.Yoon and H.W.Jang, “Highly ordered TiO2 nanotubes on patterned substrates: Synthesis-in-place for ultrasensitive chemiresistors,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol.117, pp.17824-17831 (2013.8.).

287.   Y.Y.Yu, B.H.Kang, Y.D.Lee, S.B.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Effect of fluorine plasma treatment with chemically reduced grapheneoxide thin films as hole transport layer in organic solar cells,”Applied Surface Science, vol.287, pp.91-96 (2013.9.).

288.   J.H.Hwang, T.H.Park, H.J.Lee, K.B.Choi, Y.W.Park and B.K.Ju, “Low-haze light extraction from organic light-emitting diode lighting with auxiliary electrode by selective microlens arrays,” Optics Letters, vol.38, no.20, pp.4182-4185 (2013.10.).

289.   H.J.Lee,J.H.Hwang,K.B.Choi, S.G.Jung, K.N.Kim, Y.S.Shim, C.H.Park, Y.W. Park, and B.K.Ju, “Effective indium-doped zinc oxide buffer layer on silver nanowires for electrically highly stable, flexible, transparent, and conductive composite electrodes,” Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol.5, pp.10397-10403 (2013.10.).

290.   C.H.Hong, J.H.Shin, B.K.Ju, K.H.Kim, N.M.Park, B.S.Kim and W.S.Cheong, “Index-matched indium tin oxide electrodes for capacitive touch screen panel applications,” J.Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol.13, no.11, pp.7756-7759 (2013.11.)

291.   J.H.Baek, N.S.Kang, Y.D.Lee, B.H.Kang, K.Y.Dong, J.A.Lim, Y.W.Song, J.M.Hong and B.K.Ju, “Thermal annealing effects of molybdenum oxide interfacial layer based on organic solar cell,” Science of Advanced Materials, vol.5, no.11, pp.1775-1780 (2013.11.).

292.   K.B.Choi, S.J.Shin, T.H.Park, H.J.Lee, J.H.Hwang, J.H.Park, B.Y.Hwang, Y.W.Park and B.K.Ju, “Highly improved light extraction with a reduced spectrum distortion of organic light-emitting diodes composed by the sub-visible wavelength nano-scale periodic (~250 nm) structure and micro-lens array,” Organic Electronics, vol.15, pp.111-117 (2013.11.).

293.   J.H.Seo, J.H.Park, Z.Ma, J.Choi and B.K.Ju, “Nanopatterning by laser interference lithography: Applications to optical devices,” J.Nanoscience and Nanoytechnology, vol.14, no.2, pp.1521-1532 (2014.1.).

294.   S.P.Chang, Y.S.Do, J.W.Kim, B.Y.Hwang, J.Choi, B.H.Kang, Y.H.Lee, K.C.Choi and B.K.Ju, “Photo-insensitive amorphous oxide thin-film transistor integrated with a plasmonic filter for transparent electronics,” Advanced Functional Materials-Front cover, vol.24, pp.3482-3487 (2014.3.).

295.   D.Y.Yoo, N.D.K.Tu, S.J.Lee, E.Lee, S.R.Jeon, S.Hwang, H.S.Lim, J.K.Kim, B.K.Ju, H.Kim and J.A.Lim, “Graphene oxide nanosheet wrapped white-emissive conjugated polymer nanoparticles,” ACS Nano, vol.8, no.5, pp.4248-4256 (2014.4.).

296.   K.H.Choi, J.Huh, Y.Cui, K.Trivedi, W.Hu, B.K.Ju and J.B.Lee, “One-Step combined-nanolithography-and-photolithography for a 2D photonic crystal TM polarizer,” Micromachines, vol.5, pp.228-238 (2014.4.).

297.   J.Shin, N.S.Kang, T.W.Lee, M.J.Cho, J.M.Hong, B.K.Ju and D.H.Choi, “Two-dimensional p-conjugated molecules based-on 2,6,9,10-tetra(prop-1-yn-1-yl)anthracene and their application to solution-processed photovoltaic cells,” Organic Electronics, vol.15, pp.1521-1530 (2014.4.).

298.   S.Cho, B.K.Ju, N.Y.Kim and M.C.Park, “One-eighth look-up table method for effectively generating computer-generated hologram patterns,” Optical Engineering, vol.53, no.5. pp.054108-1~5 (2014.5.).

299.   C.H.Hong, J.H.Shin, N.M.Park, K.H.Kim, B.S.Kim, J.S.Kwak, B.K.Ju and W.S.Cheong, “Effects of Nb2O5 and SiO2 buffer layers on the suppression of potassium out-diffusion into indium tin oxide electrode formed on chemically strengthened glass,” Jpn.J.Appl.Phys., vol.53, pp.08NG01-1~4 (2014.7.).

300.   S.S.Kim,C.J Lee,M.S.Kim,B.K.Ju and Y.M.Kim, “Enhanced light extraction from organic light emitting diodes by micrometer-sized buckles,” J.Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol.14, pp.8231-8236 (2014.7.).

301.   M.S.Kim, H.J.Ha, H.J.Yun, I.K.You, K.J.Baeg, Y.H.Kim and B.K.Ju, “Flexible organic phototransistors based on a combination of printing methods,” Organic Electronics, vol.15, pp.2677-2684 (2014.8.).

302.   Y.S.Shim, J.H.Hwang, H.J.Lee, K.B.Choi, K.N.Kim, C.H.Park, S.G.Jung, Y.W.Park and B.K.Ju, “Nanoshuttered OLEDs: Unveiled invisible auxiliary electrode,” Advanced Functional Materials-Front cover vol.24, pp.6414-6421 (2014.8.).

303.   K.S.Lee, J.Lee, C.W.Joo, J.Y.Kim, D.H.Cho, J.I.Lee, H.Y.Chu, J.Moon and B.K.Ju, “Organic light emitting diode with uniform luminance distribution and enhanced efficiency via random embossing structure,” ECS Solid State Letters, vol.3, no.11, pp.R56-R59 (2014.9.).

304.   H.K.Kwon, K.T.Lee, K.Hur, S.H.Moon, M.M.Quasim, T.D.Wilkinson, J.Y.Han, H.Ko, I.K.Han, B.Park, B.K.Min, B.K.Ju, S.M.Morris, R.H.Friend and D.H.Ko, “Optically switchable smart windows with integrated photovoltaic devices,” Advanced Energy Materials, pp.2401347-1~6 (2014.10.).

305.   J.W.Lim, Y.T.Lee, R.Pandey, T.H.Yoo, B.I.Sang, B.K.Ju, D.K.Hwang and W.K.Choi, “Effect of geometric lattice design on optical/electrical properties of transparent silver grid for organic solar cells,” Optics Express, vol.22, no.22, pp.26891-26899 (2014.10.).

306.   S.W.Yeom, S.W.Park, M.Kim, H.J.Ha, J.H.Shim, I.S.Jung and B.K.Ju, “Highly flexible titanium dioxide-based resistive switching memory with simple fabrication,” Applied Physics Express, vol.7, pp.101801-1~4 (2014.10.).

307.   C.H.Jo, J.H.Kim, J.Kim, J.Kim, M.S.Oh, M.S.Kang, M.G.Kim, Y.H.Kim, B.K.Ju and S.K.Park, “Low-temperature annealed PbS quantum dot films for scalable and flexible ambipolar thin-filmtransistors and circuits,” J.Materials Chemistry C, vol.2, pp.10305-10311 (2014.11.).

308.   C.H.Song, K.H.Ok, C.J.Lee, Y.Kim, M.G.Kwak, C.J.Han, N.Kim, B.K.Ju, and J.W. Kim, “Intense-pulsed-light irradiation of Ag nanowire-based transparent electrodes for use in flexible organic light emitting diodes,” Organic Electronics, vol.17, pp.208-215 (2014.12.).

309.   H.J.Lee, S.An, J.H.Hwang, S.G.Jung, H.S.Jo, K.N.Kim, Y.S.Sim, C.H.Park, Sam S.Yoon, Y.W.Park and B.K.Ju, “Novel composite layer based on electrospun polymer nanofibers for efficient light scattering,” Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol.7, pp.68-74 (2014.12.).

310.   G.Y.Park, M.J.Ji, S.H.Jung, B.K.Ju and B.H.Choi, “Effects of adding HPC to Si-alloy anode slurry of lithium secondary battery,” J.Electrochemical Soc., vol.162, no.3, pp.A488-A492 (2015.1.).

311.   J.H.Hwang, H.J.Lee, Y.S.Shim, C.H.Park, S.G.Jung, K.N.Kim, Y.W.Park, and B.K. Ju, “Enhanced light out-coupling efficiency of organic light-emitting diodes with extremely low haze by plasma treated nanoscale corrugation,”Nanoscale, vol.7, pp.2723-2728 (2015.1.).

312.   M.S.Jeong, B.K.Ju and J.K.Lee, “Effects of processing temperatures of nickel plating on capacitance density of alumina film capacitor,” J.Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol.15, pp.4530-4533 (2015.1.).

313.   E.H.Song, B.H.Kang, T.Y.Kim, H.J.Lee, Y.W.Park, Y.C.Kim and B.K.Ju, “Highly oriented gold/nanoclay-polymer nanocomposites for flexible gas barrier films,” Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol.7, pp.4778-4783 (2015.2.).

314.   C.H.Park, H.J.Lee, J.H.Hwang, K.N.Kim, Y.S.Shim, S.G.Jung, C.H.Park, Y.W.Park, and B.K.Ju, “High-performance hybrid buffer layer using 1,4,5,8,9,11-hexaazatriphenylenehexacarbonitrile/molybdenum oxide in inverted top-emitting organic light-emitting diodes,” Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol.7, pp.6047-6053 (2015.3.).

315.   M.K.Kang, J.H.Park, K.I.Lee, J.W.Cho, J.Bae, B.K.Ju and C.S.Lee, “Fully flexible and transparent piezoelectric touch sensors based on ZnO nanowires and BaTiO3-added SiO2 capping layers,” Phys. Status Solidi A, pp.1-7 (2015.4.).

316.   Y.Kim, C.H.Song, M.G.Kwak, B.K.Ju and J.W.Kim, “Flexible touch sensor with finely patterned Ag nanowires buried at the surface of a colorless polyimide film,” RSC Adv., vol.5, pp.42500-42505 (2015.5.).

317.   S.A.Park, E.H.Song, B.K.Kang and B.K.Ju, “Carbon nanotube field emitters on KOVAR substrate modified by random pattern,” J.Nanopart. Res., vol.17, pp.318-1~8 (2015.7.).

318.   S.H.Kwak, M.G.Kwak, B.K.Ju and S.J.Hong, “Enhancement of characteristics of a touch sensor by controlling the multi-layer architecture of a low-cost metal mesh pattern,” J.Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol.15, pp.7645-7651 (2015.10.).

319.   C.H.Hong, J.H.Shin, N.M.Park, K.H.Kim, B.S.Kim, C.W.Song, J.W.Yang, W.H.Seo, B.K.Ju and W.S.Cheong, “Effect of inductively coupled plasma on the structural and electrical properties of Ti-doped ITO films formed by IPVD,” J.Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol.15, pp.8099-8102 (2015.10.).

320.   C.H.Song, Y.Kim, B.K.Ju and J.W.Kim, “Preparation of core-shell microstructures using an electroless plating method,” Materials and Design, vol.89, pp.1278-1282 (2015.10.).

321.   H.J.Ha, B.H.Kang, S.W.Yeom, J.S.Park, Y.H.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Localized-surface-plasmon-enhanced multifunction silicon nanomembrane Schottky diodes based on Au nanoparticles, Nanotechnology, vol.26, pp.485501-1~10 (2015.11.).

322.   W.H.Kim, H.K.Oh, Y.H.Kwak, K.B.Park, B.K.Ju and K.N.Kim,“Development of a carbon nanotube-based touchscreen capable of multi-touch and multi-force sensing,” Sensors, vol.15, pp.28732-28741 (2015.11.).

323.   W.S.Jung, W.H.Lee, B.K.Ju, S.J.Yoon and C.Y.Kang, “Enhanced output power of PZT nanogenerator by controlling surface morphology of electrode,” J.Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol.15, No.11, pp.8907-8911 (2015.11.).

324.   C.H.Song, C.J.Han, B.K.Ju and J.W.Kim, “Photoenhanced patterning of metal nanowire networks for fabrication of ultraflexible transparent devices,” Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol.8, pp.480-489 (2015.12.).

325.   C.H.Hong, S.K.Oh, T.K.Kim, Y.J.Cha, J.S.Kwak, J.H.Shin, B.K.Ju and W.S.Cheong, “Electron beam irradiated silver nanowires for a highly transparent heater,”Scientific Reports (2015.12.).

326.   D.K.Hwang, Y.T.Lee, H.S.Lee, Y.J.Lee, S.H.Shokouh, J.Kim, J.Lee, H.H.Kim, T.H.Yoo, S.H.Nam, D.I.Son, B.K.Ju, M.C.Park, J.D.Song, W.K.Choi and S.I.Im, “Ultrasensitive PbS quantum-dot-sensitized InGaZnO hybrid photoinverter for near-infrared detection and imaging with high photogain,” NPG Asia Materials, vol.8, pp.1-9 (2016.1.).

327.   K.S.Lee, J.Lee, E.Kim, J.I.Lee, D.H.Cho, J.T.Lim, C.W.Joo, J.Y.Kim, S.Yoo, B.K.Ju and J.Moon, “Simultaneously enhanced device efficiency, stabilized chromaticity of organic light emitting diodes with lambertian emission characteristic by random convex lenses,” Nanotechnology, vol.27, pp.075202 1-9, (2016.1.).

328.   S.W.Yeom, S.C.Shin, T.Y.Kim, H.J.Ha, Y.H.Lee, J.W.Shim and B.K.Ju, “Transparent resistive switching memory using aluminum oxide on a flexible substrate,” Nanotechnology, vol.27, pp.1-6 (2016.1.).

329.   H.M.Kim, H.W.Kang, D.K.Hwang, H.S.Lim, B.K.Ju and J.A.Lim, “Metal-insulator–semiconductor coaxial microfibers based on self-organization of organic semiconductor..polymer blend for weavable, fibriform organic field-effect transistors,” vol.26, pp.2706-2714 (2016.2.).

330.   Y.S.Shim, J.H.Hwang, C.H.Park, S.G.Jung, Y.W.Park and B.K.Ju, “An extremely low-index photonic crystal layer for enhanced light extraction from organic light-emitting diodes,” Nanoscale, vol.8, pp.41113-4120 (2016.2.).

331.   B.K.Kang, H.S.Cho, J.H.Han, J.W.Shin, J.O.Song, S.K.Park, J.H.Lee, C.W.Joo, E.H.Kim, S.H.Yoo, J.I.Lee, B.K.Ju and J.H.Moon, “Area-selective external light extraction for metal bus equipped large area transparent organic light-emitting diodes,” Optics Express, vol.24, no.5 (2016.3.).

332.   H.Y.Kim, Y.J.Park, C.J.Han, J.Lee, Y.Kim, T.Greco, C.Ippen, A.Wedel, B.K.Ju and M.S.Oh, “Transparent InP quantum dot light-emitting diodes with ZrO2 electron transport layer and indium zinc oxide top electrode,” Advanced Functional Materials (2016.4.).

333.   J.S.Park, M.Kim, S.W.Yeom, H.J.Ha, H.Song, Y.M.Jhon, Y.H.Kim and B.K.Ju, “Flexible ambipolar organic field-effect transistors with reverse-offset-printed silver electrodes for a complementary inverter,” Nanotechnology, vol.27, pp.225302 1-11 (2016.4.).

334.   M.S.Kang, I.J.Roh, Y.G.Lee, S.H.Baek, S.K.Kim, B.K.Ju, D.B.Hyun, J.S.Kim and B.Kwon, “Correction of the electrical and thermal extrinsic effects in thermoelectric measurements by the Harman method,” Scientific Reports, pp.26507-1~10 (2016.5.).

335.   K.S.Lee, J.W.Shin, J.H.Park, J.Lee, C.W.Joo, J.I.Lee, D.H.Cho, J.T.Lim, M.C.Oh, B.K.Ju and J.Moon, “A light scattering layer for internal light extraction of organic light-emitting diodes based on silver nanowires,” Applied Materials & Interface, vol.8, pp17409-17415 (2016.6.).

336.   S.An. H.S.Jo, D.Y.Kim, H.J.Lee, B.K.Ju, S.S.Al-Deyab, J.H.Ahn, Y.Qin, M.T.Swihart, A.L.Yarin and S.S.Yoon, “Self-junctioned copper nanofiber transparent flexible conducting film via electrospinning and electroplating,” Advanced Materials (2016.6.).

337.   W.S.Jung, M.J.Lee, S.J.Yoon, W.H.Lee, B.K.Ju and C.Y.Kang, “Flexible nanocomposite generator using PZT nanorods and Ag nanowires,” Int.J.Appl.Ceram.Technol., vol.13, no.3, pp.480-486 (2016.6).

338.   H.L.Kang, C.A.Kim, S.I.Lee, Y.K.Shin, Y.H.Lee, Y.C.Kim and B.K.Ju, “Analysis of particle movement by dielectrophoretic force for reflective electronic display,” J.Display Technology, vol.12, pp.742-762 (2016.7).

339.   B.You, C.J.Han, Y.Kim, B.K.Ju and J.W.Kim, "A wearable piezocapacitive pressure sensor with a single layer of silver nanowire-based elastomeric composite electrodes," J. Mater. Chem. A, vol.4, pp.10435-10443 (2016.8.): Outside back cover.

340.   J.A.Choi, H.N.Lee, K.H.Cho, S.W.Lee, B.K.Ju and K.T.Kang, “Effect of CO2 laser on SiNx films fabricated by low-temperature laser-assisted plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition,” Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, vol.8, pp.549-554 (2016.8.).

341.   B.S.You, B.K.Ju and J.W.Kim, “Fabrication of substrate-free double-side emitting flexible device based on silver nanowire-polymer composite electrode,” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol.A250, pp.123-128 (2016.9.).

342.   S.W.Jun, B.K.Ju and J.W.Kim, “Ultra-facile fabrication of stretchable and transparent capacitive sensor employing photo-assisted patterning of silver nanowire networks,” Advanced Materials Technologies, vol.1, no.6 (2016.9.).

343.   H.J.Yun, S.J.Kim, J.H.Hwang, Y.S.Shim, S.G.Jung, Y.W.Park and B.K.Ju, “Silver nanowire-IZO-conducting polymer hybrids for flexible and transparent conductive electrodes for organic light-emitting diodes,” Scientific Reports, vol.6, pp.34150-1~12 (2016.10.).


344.   S.W.Jun, B.K.Ju, and J.W.Kim, “Fabrication of substrate-free double-side emitting flexible device based on silver nanowire-polymer composite electrode,” Current Applied Physics, vol.17, pp.6-10 (2016.10.).

345.   J.Kim, H.Y.Ahn, S.G.Kim, E.Oh, B.K.Ju, W.J.Choi and S.H.Cho, “Photoluminescence properties of lead selenide produced by selenization and a solvothermal method,” Nanotechnology, vol.28, pp.015702 1-8 (2016.11.).

346.   J.Choi, Y.K.Kim, S.W.Kim, B.H.Nam, and B.K.Ju, “Polymer-metal composite thin film microcap packaging technology using low temperature SU-8 bonding,” J.Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol.16, no.11, pp.11613-11618 (2016.11.).


347.   S.W.Jun, C.J.Han, Y.Kim, B.K.Ju, and J.W.Kim, “A pressure-induced bending sensitive capacitor based on an elastomer-free, extremely thin transparent conductor,” Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Vol.5, pp.3221-3229 (2016.11.).

348.   Y.L.Oh, J.W.Lim, J.G.Kim, H.Wang, B.H.Kang, Y.W.Park, H.Kim, Y.J.Jang, J.Kim, D.H.Kim, and B.K.Ju, “Plasmonic periodic nanodot arrays via laser interference lithography for organic photovoltaic cells with >10% efficiency,”ACS Nano, vol.10, pp.10143-10151 (2016.11.).

349.   I.J.Roh, Y.G.Lee, M.S.Kang, J.U.Lee, S.H.Baek, S.K.Kim, B.K.Ju, D.B.Hyun, J.S.Kim, and B.Kwon, “Harman measurements for thermoelectric materials and modules under non-adiabatic conditions,” Scientific Reports, pp.39131 (2016.12.).

350.   S.W.Yeom, H.J.Ha, J.Park, J.W.Shim, B.K.Ju, "Transparent bipolar resistive switching memory on a flexible substrate with indium-zinc-oxide electrodes", J.Korean Physical Soc., vol.69, no.11, pp.L1613-L1618 (2016.12.).

351.   Y.S.Shim, K.N.Kim, J.H.Hwang, C.H.Park, S.-G.Jung, Y.W.Park, and B.K.Ju, "Spectral-distortion-free light extraction from organic light-emitting diodes using nanoscale photonic crystal," Nanotechnology, vol.28, pp.045301 1-10, (2016.12.).

352.   S.U.Lee, and B.K.Ju, “Wide-gamut plasmonic color filters using a complementary design method,” Scientific Reports, pp.40649 (2017.1.).

353.   S.J.Kim, S.A.Park, Y.C.Kim and B.K.Ju, “Enhanced field emission properties from carbon nanotube emitters on the nanopatterned substrate", J.Vac.Sci. Technol. B vol.35, no.1, pp.011802-1~6 (2017.1/2).

354.   S.Jun, B.K.Ju, and J.W.Kim, “Fabrication of substrate-free double-side emitting flexible device based on silver nanowire-polymer composite electrode,”Current Applied Physics, vol.17, no.1, pp.6-10 (2017.01.).

355.   T.Y.Kim, E.H.Song, B.H.Kang, S.J.Kim, Y.H.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Hydrolyzed hexagonal boron nitride/polymer  

       nanocomposites for transparent gas barrier film,”Nanotechnology, vol.28 (2017.2.).


356.   B.S.You, Y.Kim, B.K.Ju, and J.W.Kim, "Highly stretchable and waterproof electroluminescence device based on superstable stretchable transparent electrode," ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol.9, pp.5486-5494 (2017.1.).

357.   Y.Kim, S.W.Jun, B.K.Ju, and J.W.Kim, “Heterogeneous configuration of a Ag nanowire/polymer composite structure for selectively stretchable transparent electrodes,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol.9, pp.7505-7514 (2017.2.).

358.   C.J.Lee, S.W.Jun, B.K.Ju, and J.W.Kim, “Pressure-sensitive strain sensor based on a single percolated Ag nanowire layer embedded in colorless polyimide,” Physica B: Condensed Matter, Vol.512, pp.8-12 (2017.6.).

359.   S.W.Yeom, B.S.You, K.Cho, H.Y.Jung, J.Park, C.Shin, B.K.Ju, and J.W.Kim, “Silver nanowire/colorless polyimide composite electrode: Application in flexible and transparent resistive switching memory,” Scientific Reports, vol.7, no.3438 (2017.6.).

360.   B.S.You, C.W.Joo, H.J.Ha, J.I.Lee, J.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Micro/Nano-stripe organic light emitting diodes fabricated using photolithography and laser interference lithography,” Nanostructure and Nanotechnology Letters, vol.9, pp.1028-1032 (2017.7.).

361.   Y.S.Lee, H.Yim, S.Y.Yoo, B.K.Ju, and J.W.Choi, “Dielectric properties of single crystal Sr2Nb3O10 dielectric nanosheet thin films by electrophoretic deposition (EPD) and post deposition treatments,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol.711, pp.51-57 (2017.7.).

362.   B.Y.Hwang, S.H.Shin, S.H.Hwang, J.Y.Jung, J.H.Choi, B.K.Ju and J.H.Jeong, “Flexible plasmonic color filters fabricated via nanotransfer printing with nanoimprint-based planarization,” Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol.9, pp.27351-27356 (2017.8.).

363.   S.W.Jun, Y.Kim, B.K.Ju and J.W.Kim, “Extremely flexible, transparent, and strain-sensitive electroluminescent device based on ZnS:Cu-polyvinyl butyral composite and silver nanowires,” Applied Surface Science, vol.429, pp.144-150 (2017.8.).

364.   W.Kim, Y.H.Kwak, K.B.Park, J.Kim, S.Choi, B.K.Ju and K.Kim, “Development of a touch sensor capable of touch and touch load recognition, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol.A264, pp.298-307 (2017.8.).

365.   Y.G.Song, Y.S.Shim, S.Kim, S.D.Han, H.G.Moon, M.S.Noh, K.Lee, H.R.Lee, J.S.Kim, and B.K.Ju, "Downsizing gas sensors based on semiconducting metal oxide: Effects of electrodes on gas sensing properties,"Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Vol.248, pp.949-956 (2017.9.).

366.   J.H.Choi, Y.S.Shim, C.H.Park, H.Hwang, J.H.Kwack, D.J.Lee, Y.W.Park and B.K.Ju, “Junction-free electrospun Ag fiber electrodes for flexible organic light-emitting diode,” Small, pp.1702567-1~7 (2017.10.).

367.   J.M.Kim, K.H.Park, D.S.Kim, B.Y.Hwang, S.K.Kim, H.M.Chae, B.K.Ju and Y.S.Kim, “Design and fabrication of spectrally selective emitter for thermophotovoltaic system by using nano-imprint lithography,” Applied Surface Science, vol.429, pp.138-143 (2017.10.).

368.   Y.G.Moon, Y.S.Doe, M.H.Lee, B.Y.Hwang, D.J.Jeong, B.K.Ju and K.C.Choi, “Plasmonic chromatic electrode with low resistivity,” Scientific Reports, vol.7, no.15205 (2017.11.).

369.   Y.S.Oh, I.S.Yoon, C.Lee, S.H.Kim, B.K.Ju and J.M.Hong, “Selective photonic sintering of Ag flakes embedded in silicone elastomers to fabricate stretchable conductors,” J.Materials Chemistry C (2017.12.).

370.   H.Y.Ahn, W.J.Choi, S.Y.Lee, B.K.Ju and S.H.Cho, “Mechanochemical synthesis of ZnS for fabrication of transparent ceramics,” Res Chem Interned (2018.1.).

371.   J.H.Han, S.H.Lee, B.K.Ju, B.R.Yoo, S.H.Cho and J.S.Han, “Lanthanide complexes embedded in silicone resin as a spectral converter for solar cells,” Res Chem Intermed (2018.1.).

372.   J.S.Park, J.H.Seo, S.W.Yeom, C.Yao, V.W.Yang, Z.Cai, Y.M.Jhon and B.K.Ju, “Flexible and transparent organic phototransistors on biodegradable cellulose nanofibrillated fiber substrates,” Advanced Optical Materials, pp.1701140-1~10 (2018.1.).

373.   S.M.Jung, H.L.Kang, J.K.Won, J.H.Kim, C.H.Hwang, K.H.Ahn, I.Chung, B.K.Ju, M.G.Kim and S.K.Park, "High-performance quantum dot thin-film transistors with environmentally benign surface functionalization and robust defect passivation," Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol.10, pp.3739-3749 (2018.1.).

374.   C.H.Lee, Y.Oh, I.S.Yoon, S.H.Kim, B.K.Ju and J.M.Hong, “Flash-induced nanowelding of silver nanowire networks for transparent stretchable electrochromic devices,” Scientific Reports, vol.8, no.2763 (2018.2.).

375.   H.bae, S.W.Jun, C.K.Kim, B.K.Ju and Y.K.Choi, “Quantitative analysis of trap states through the behavior of the sulfur ions in MoS2 FETs following high vacuum annealing,” J.Physics D: Applied Physics, pp.105102-1~7 (2018.2.).

376.   H.L.Kang, J.Kang, J.K.Won, S-M Jung, J.Kim, C.H.Park, B.K.Ju, M.G.Kim and S.K.Park, “Spatial light patterning of full color quantum dot displays enabled by locally controlled surface tailoring,” Advanced Optical Materials, 1701335, pp.1~9 (2018.2.).

377.   H.S.Lee, J.Suk, H.Kim, J.Kim, J.Song, D.S.Jeong, J.K.Park, W.M.Kim, D.K.Lee, K.J.Choi, B.K.Ju, T.S.Lee and I.Kim, “Enhanced efficiency of crystalline Si solar cells based on kerfless-thin wafers with nanohole arrays,” Scientific Reports, vol.8, no.3504 (2018.2.).

378.   S.H.Shin, B.Hwang, Z.Zhao, S.H.Jeon, J.Y.Jung, J.H.Lee, B.K.Ju and J.H.Jeong, “Transparent displays utilizing nanopatterned quantum dot films,” Scientific Reports, vol.8:2463, pp.20869-1~9 (2018.2.).

379.   S.Y.Lee, B.K.Ju and Y.T.Kim, “Performance of WCN diusion barrier for Cu multilevel interconnects,” Jpn.J.Applied Physics, vol.57, pp.04FC01-1~4 (2018.2.).

380.   Y.J.Lee, S.R.Ham, J.H.Kim, T.H.Yoo, S.R.Kim, Y.T.Lee, D.K.Hwang, B.Angadi, W.S.Seo, B.K.Ju and W.K.Choi, “Highly dispersible buckled nanospring carbon nanotubes for polymer nano composites,” Scientific Reports, vol.8:4851, pp.23172-1~10 (2018.2.).

381.   J.H.Kim, D.J.Lee, K.J.Lee, B.K.Ju, H.C.Koo, B.C.Min and O.J.Lee, “Spin-orbit torques associated with ferrimagnetic order in Pt/GdFeCo/ MgO layers,” Scientific Reports, vol.8:6071 (2018.4.).

382.   J.H.Kang, T.Leportier, M.C.Park, S.G.Han, J.D.Song, H.Ju, Y.J.Hwang, B.K.Ju and T.C.Poon, “How do plants see the world? – UV imaging with a TiO2 nanowire array by artificial photosynthesis,” Nanoscale, vo.10, pp.8443-8450 (2018.5.).

383.   S.M.Lee, B.K.Ju and C.J.Lee, “Temperature dependence of the driving properties for a green thermally activated delayed fluorescence device with a mixed host,” Thin Solid Films, vol.660, pp.166-170 (2018.5.).

384.   D.J.Lee, J.H.Kim, H.G.Park, K.J.Lee, B.K.Ju, H.C.Koo, B.C.Min and O.J.Lee, “Spin-orbit torque and magnetic damping in tailored ferromagnetic bilayers,” Physical Review Applied, vol.10, pp.024029 (2018.8.).

385.   I.H.Shin, B.C.Min, B.K.Ju and G.M.Choi, “Ultrafast spin current generated by electron–magnon scattering in bulk of ferromagnets,” Jpn.J.Applied Physics, vol.57, pp.090307-1~5 (2018.8.).

386.   Y.J.Lee, J.H.Kim, S.Ham, B.K.Ju and W.K.Choi, “Modeling large permittivity of poly(vinylidenefluoride-co-trifluoroethylene) and nanospring single-walled carbon nanotube-polyvinylpyrrolidone nanocomposites,” AIP Advances, vol.8, pp.085113-1~7 (2018.8.)

387.   D.J.Lee, Y.Oh, J.M.Hong, Y.W.Park and B.K.Ju, “Light sintering of ultra-smooth and robust silver nanowire networks embedded in poly(vinyl-butyral) for flexible OLED,” Scientific Reports, vol.8:14170 (2018.9.).

388.   J.H.Choi, S.Kim, C.H.Park, J.H.Kwack, C.H.Park, Ha Hwang, H.S.Im, Y.W.Park and B.K.Ju, “Light extraction enhancement in flexible organic light-emitting diodes by a light-scattering layer of dewetted Ag nanoparticles at low temperatures,” Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol.10, pp.32373-32379 (2018.9.).

389.   J.H.Kwack, J.Choi, C.H.Park, H.Hwang, Y.W.Park and B.K.Ju, “Simple method for fabricating scattering layer using random nanoscale rods for improving optical properties of organic lightemitting diodes,” Scientific Reports, vol.8:14311 (2018.9.).

390.   J.W.Lee, D.C.Han, H.J.Shin, S.H.Yeom, B.K.Ju and W.Lee, “PEDOT:PSS-based temperature-detection thread for wearable devices,” Sensors, vol.18, pp.2996-1~8 (2018.9.).

391.   C.H.Park, Y.S.Shim, C.H.Park, S.G.Jung, Y.W.Park and B.K.Ju, “Simplified thermallyactivateddelayedfluorescenceorganiclight-emitting diodes,” Optical Materials, vol.86, pp.233-238 (2018.11.).

392.   B.S.Song, H.Y.Ahn, B.I.Park, H.H.Park, B.K.Ju, S.Y.Lee, J.K.Park and S.H.Cho, “Effects of compression and controlled selenization on powder-fabricated Cu (In,Ga)Se2 thin films,” Applied Surface Science, vol.475, pp.158-161 (2018.12.).

393.   E.J.Lee, K.H.Cho, K.B.Kim, S.R.Lim, T.Kim, J.H.Kang, B.K.Ju, S.J.Park, M.C.Park and D.Y.Kim, “Optical reconstruction of full-color optical scanning holography images using an iterative direct binary search algorithm,” J. Korean Physical Society, vol.73, no.12, pp.1845-1848 (2018.12.).

394.   J.S.Lee, Y.S.Shim, C.H.Park, H.Hwang, C.H.Park, C.W.Joo, Y.W.Park, J.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Enhanced light extraction from organic light-emitting diodes using a quasi-periodic nano-structure,” Nanotechnology, vol.30, pp.085302-1~9 (2018.12.).

395.   Y.G.Song, J.Y.Park, J.M.Suh, Y.S.Shim, S.Y.Yi, H.W.Jang, S.Kim, J.M.Yuk, B.K.Ju and C.Y.Kang, “Heterojunction based on Rh-decorated WO3 nanorods for morphological change and gas sensor application using the transition eect,” Chemistry of Materials, vol.31, pp.207-215 (2018.12.).

396.   Y.T.Lee, J.H.Kang, K.Kwak, J.Ahn, H.T.Choi, B.K.Ju, S.H.Shokouh, S.Im, M.C.Park and D.K.Hwang, “High-performance 2D MoS2 phototransistor for photo logic gate and image sensor,” ACS Photonics, vol.5, pp.4745-4750 (2018.12.).


397. H.Hwang, Y.S.Shim, J.H.Choi, D.J.Lee, J.G.Kim, J.S.Lee, Y.W.Park and B.K.Ju, "Nano-arrayed OLEDs: enhanced outcoupling efficiency and suppressed efficiency roll-off," Nanoscale, vol.10,  pp.19330–19337 (2018).


398. S.J.Kim, T.Y.Kim, B.H.Kang, G.H.Lee and B.K.Ju, "Fabrication of graphene oxide/montmorillonite nanocomposite flexible thin films with improved gas-barrier properties," RSC Adv., vol.8 pp.39083–39089 (2018).

399.   J.H.Choi, C.H.Park, J.H.Kwak, D.J.Lee, J.G.Kim, J.M.Choi, B.H.Bae, S.J.Park, E.J.Kim, Y.W.Park and B.K.Ju, “Ag fiber/IZO composite electrodes: improved chemical and thermal stability and uniform light emission in flexible organic light emitting diodes,” Scientific Reports, vol.9:738 (2019.1.).


400. N.Y.Kim, J.Kyhm, H.Han, S.J.Kim, J.Ahn, D.K.Hwang, H.W.Jang, B.K.Ju and J.A.Lim, "Chiroptical-conjugated polymer/chiral small molecule hybrid thin films for circularly polarized light-detecting heterojunction devices," Adv. Funct. Mater., vol.29, p.1808668 (2019.1.).

401.   S.W.Jun, S.B.Choi, C.J.Han, Y.T.Yu, C.R.Lee, B.K.Ju and J.W.Kim, “Fabrication and characterization of a capacitive photodetector comprising a ZnS/Cu particle/poly(vinyl butyral) composite,” Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol.11, pp.4416-4424 (2019.1.).

402.   S.W.Jun, S.O.Kim, H.J.Lee, C.J.Han, C.J.Lee, Y.T.Yu, C.R.Lee, B.K.Ju, Y.Kim and J.W.Kim, “Transparent, pressure-sensitive, and healable e-skin from a UV-cured polymer comprising dynamic urea bonds,” J. Materials Chemistry A, vol.7, pp.3101-3111 (2019.1.).

403.   S.Y.Yi, Y.G.Song, J.Y.Park, J.M.Suh, G.S.Kim, Y.S.Shim, J.M.Yuk, S.Kim, H.W.Jang, B.K.Ju and C.Y.Kang, “Morphological evolution induced through a heterojunction of wDecorated NiO nanoigloos: Synergistic eect on high performance gas sensors,” Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol.11, pp.7529-7538 (2019.1.).

404.   B.M.Lee, J.Hong, J.W.Kim, Y.H.Kwak, K.N.Kim, J.W.Lee and B.K.Ju, “Development of high-sensitivity ambient light sensor based on cadmium sulfide-deposited surface acoustic wave sensor,” Sensors and Actuators, vol.A293, pp.145-149 (2019.3.).

405.   S.Y.Jeong, J.Kyhm, S.K.Cha, D.K.Hwang, B.K.Ju, J.S.Park, S.J.Kang and I.K.Han, “High-speed colloidal quantum dot photodiodes via accelerating charge separation at metal–oxide interface,” Small, vol.15, pp.1900008-1~9 (2019.3.).

406.   Y.J.Lee, P.Caspari, D.M.Opris, F.A.Nuesch, S.Ham, J.H.Kim, S.R.Kim, B.K.Ju and W.K.Choi, “Electrical energy generated by silicone elastomers filled with nanospring-carbon-nanotubes,”J.Materials Chemistry C, vol.7, pp.3535-3542 (2019.3.).

407.   B.H.Bae, S.W.Jun, M.S.Kwon, Y.W.Park, C.J.Han, S.I.Kim and B.K.Ju, “Highly efficient flexible OLEDs based on double-sided nano-dimpled  substrate (PVB) with embedded AgNWs and TiO2 nanoparticle for internal  and external light extraction,” Optical Materials, vol.92, pp.87-94 (2019.4.).

408.   Y.J.You, Y.Kim, H.Cheun, C.Shin, D.Y.Kim, J.H.Lee, J.Y.Song, J.W.Lee, S.Y.Lee, B.K.Ju and J.W.Shim, “Precise control of nanoscale spacing between electrodes using different natured self-assembled monolayers,” Nanotechnology, vol.30, pp.265302-1~9 (2019.4.).

409.   S.G.Jung, K.B.Choi, C.H.Park, Y.S.Shim, C.H.Park, Y.W.Park and B.K.Ju, “Effects of Cl2 plasma treatment on stability, wettability, and electrical  properties of ITO for OLEDs,” Optical Materials, vol.93, pp.51-57 (2019.5.).

410.   S.G.Jung, Y.S.Shim, C.H.Park, Y.W.Park and B.K.Ju, “Solution processable, flexible, and transparent hybrid electrodes using tungsten oxide buffer layer on silver nanowires,” J.Nanoscience and Technology, vol.19, no.10, pp.6197-6201 (2019.5.).

411.   T.Y.Kim, S.I.Lee, S.H.Park, H.J.Ha, Y.W.Park, S.J.Kim, C.A.Kim, Y.C.Kim and B.K.Ju, “Clumping between carbon black and titanium dioxide pigment by water vapor absorption and its correlation with electrophoretic display,” J.Nanoscience and Technology, vol.19, no.10, pp.6444-6451 (2019.5.).


412. C.H.Park, J.G.Kim, S.G.Jung, D.J.Lee, Y.W.Park and B.K.Ju, "Optical characteristics of refractive index-matching difusion layer in organic light-emitting diodes," Scientific Reports, vol.9:8690 (2019.6.).


413. Y.E.Roh, S.H.Lee, B.Y.Kang, J.W.Wu, B.K.Ju and M.A.Seo, "Terahertz optical characteristics of two types
of metamaterials for molecule sensing,"  Optics Express, vol. 27, no. 13, 19042 (2019.6.).


414. S.G.Jung, C.H.Park, S.J.Park, Y.W.Park and B.K.Ju, "Internal light‐extraction layers with different refractive indices for organic light‐emitting diodes," Phys. Status Solidi A, vol.216, pp.1800833-1~5 (2019.7.).

415.   S.H.Shin, S.H.Shin, J.H.Choi, J.Lee, D.G.Choi, J.H.Jeong, B.K.Ju and J.Y.Jung, “Dual nanotransfer printing for complementary plasmonic biosensors,” Nanotechnology, vol.30 pp.385302-1~10 (2019.7.).

416.   Y.J.Han, K.An, K.T.Kang, B.K.Ju and K.H.Choh, “Optical and electrical analysis of annealing temperature of high-molecular weight hole transport layer for quantum-dot light emitting diodes,” Scientific Reports, vol.9:10385-1~9 (2019.7.).


417. D.J.Lee, I.S.Park, C.H.Park, J.H.Choi, Y.W.Park and B.K.Ju, "Extraction of light using random nanocone on poly(vinyl-butyral) for flexible OLEDs," Scientific Reports, vol.9:12312 (2019.8.).


418. I.S.Yoon, Y.S.Oh, S.H.Kim, J.H.Choi, Y.J.Hwang, C.H.Park, and B.K. Ju, "3D Printing of self-wiring conductive ink with high dtretchability and stackability for customized wearable devices," Adv. Mater. Technol.  vol.4, p. 1900363 (2019.8.).

419.   J.H.Han, N.W.Yoo, M.H.Kim, B.K.Ju and M.C.Park, “Residual modulation reduction in optical sectioning using a suitable spatial light modulator waveform,” Applied Optics, vol.58, no.22, pp.5883-5891 (2019.8.).


420. S.W.Jun, K.W.Choi, K.S.Kim, D.U.Kim, C.J.Lee C.J.Han, C.R.Lee, B.K.Ju and J.W.Kim, "Stretchable photodetector utilizing the change in capacitance formed in a composite film containing semiconductor particles," Composites Science and Technology, vol.182, 107773 (2019.8.).


421. Y.G.Song, Y.S.Shim, J.M.Suh, M.S.Noh, G.S. Kim, K.S.Choi, B.Jeong, S.Kim, H.W.Jang, B.K.Ju, and C.Y.Kang, "Ionic-activated chemiresistive gas sensors for room temperature operation," Small, vo.15 p.1902065 (2019.8.)


422. H.R.Lim, S.K.Kim, J.H.Han, H. Kim , D.M.Geum, Y.J.Lee, B.K.Ju, H.J.Kim, and S.Kim, "Impact of bottom-gate biasing on implant-free junctionless Ge-on-insulator n-MOSFETs," IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol.40, no.9, pp.1362-1365 (2019.9.).


423. J.H.Han, N.W.Yoo, J.H.Kang, B.K.Ju and M.C.Park, "Optimization of structured illumination microscopy
with designing and rotating a grid pattern using a spatial light modulator," Optical Engineering, vol.58, no.9, 094102 (2019.9.).


424. D.J.Lee, S.J.Park, C.H.Park, Y.W.Park and B.K.Ju, "Microcavity characteristics analysis of micro-shuttered organic light emitting diodes," Thin Solid Films, vol.692, p.137643 (2019.10.).


425. J.M.Choi, B.S.Jung, J.K. Park, W.M.Kim, D.K.Lee, J.H.Jeong, T.S.Lee, J.Y.Cho, B.K.Ju, and I.Kim,"Modified laser‐fired contact process for efficient PERC solar cells," Prog Photovolt Res Appl., pp.1092–1103 (2019.).


426. H.S.Lee, J.M.Choi, B.Jung, J.Kim, J.Song, D.S.Jeong, J.K.Park, W.M.Kim, D.K.Lee, T.S.Lee, W.S.Lee, K.S. Lee, B.K.Ju and I.Kim, "Random nanohole arrays and its application to crystalline Si thin foils produced by proton induced exfoliation for solar cells," Scientific Reports, vol.9:19736 (2019).

427.   J.H.Choi, H.S.Im, J.H.Kwack, H.Hwang, Y.W.Park, T.Y.Seong, and B.K.Ju, “Self-catalytic-grown SnOx nanocones for light outcoupling enhancement in organic light-emitting diodes,” Nanotechnology, vol.31 pp.135204-1~7 (2020.1.).


428. Sovann Khana, H.Y.Ahn, J.S.Han, B.K.Ju, S.Y.Lee, H.S.Jang, J.Y.Byun, S.H.Cho, "Luminescent silica films prepared using perhydropolysilazane and Mn doped ZnS nanophosphors" Applied Surface Science, vol.511, p.145441 (2020.1.).


429. I.S.Yoon, S.H.Kim, Y.S.Oh, B.K.Ju and J.M.Hong, "Ag fake/silicone rubber composite with high stability and stretching speed insensitive resistance via conductive bridge formation," Scientific Reports, vol.10:5036 (2020.3.).


430. J.G.Kim, Y.J.Hwang, H.Hwang, J.H.Choi, Y.W.Park and B.K.Ju, "Enhanced optical efciency and color purity for organic light-emitting diodes by fnely optimizing parameters of nanoscale low-refractive index grid," Scientific Reports, vol.10, p.5631 (2020.3.)


431. J.S.Kim, B.K.Kim, M.Jang, K.Kang, D.E.Kim, B.K.Ju and J.Kim, "Wearable Hand Module and Real-Time

       Tracking Algorithms for Measuring Finger Joint Angles of Different Hand Sizes with High Accuracy Using

       FBG Strain Sensor," Sensors, v.20, p.1921 (2020.3.).


432. Y.J.Hwang, J.H.Choi, J.W.Kim, J.W.Lee, J.G.Kim, H.Hwang, K.W.Choi, W.Lee and B.K.Ju, "Ag-fber/graphene

       hybrid electrodes for highly fexible and transparent optoelectronic devices," Scientific Reports,

       vol.10:5117 (2020.3.).


433. S.Park, J.Cho, D.Jeong, J.Y.Jo, M.Nam, H.Rhee, J.S.Han. Y.J.Cho, B.K.Ju, D.H.Ko, H.S.Jang, “Simultaneous

       enhancement of luminescence and stability of CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals via formation of  

       perhydropolysilazane-derived nanopatterned film”, Chemical Engineering Journal, vol.393, p.124767



434. H.J.Son, H.K.Park, J.Y.Moon, B.K.Ju and S.H.Kim, “Thermal degradation related to the PEDOT:PSS hole

       transport layer and back electrode of the flexible inverted organic photovoltaic module,” Sustainable

       Energy Fuels, vol.4, pp. 1974–1983 (2020.4.).


435. D.Y.Kim, Y.J.Han, J.Choi, C.Sakong, B.K.Ju and K.H.Cho, "Inkjet printed quantum dot film formed by

       controlling surface wettability for blue-to-green color conversion," Organic Electronics, vol.85, 

       p.105814 (2020.5.).


436. J.G.Kim, J.S.Lee, H.Hwang, E.J.Kim, Y.U.Choi, J.H.Kwak, S.J.Park, Y.J.Hwang, K.W.Choi, Y.W.Park and B.K.Ju,

       “Modeling of flexible light extraction structure: Improved flexibility and optical efficiency for organic

       light-emitting diodes,” Organic Electronics, vol.85, pp.105760-1~9 (2020.5.).


437. G.S.Choi, B.H.Kang, J.I.Choi, B.K.Ju and Y.W.Park, "Reduced Efficiency Roll-Off in Phosphorescent Organic

       Light-Emitting Diodes with a Double Dopant," J.Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol.20,

       pp.6679-6682 (2020.6.).


438. J.H.Kwack, H.Hwang, J.H. Choi, Y.U.Choi, Y.W.Park and B.K.Ju, “Improving the optical properties of

       organic light-emitting diodes using random nanoscale rods with a double refractive index”,

       Nanotechnology, vol.31, pp.335205-1~7 (2020.6.).


439. M.B.Jeon, Y.H.Kwack, B.K.Ju, K.Kim, "Ultraviolet sensor with fast response characteristics based

       on an AgNW/ZnO bi-layer," Sensors and Actuators, vol.A311, p.112044 (2020.6.).


440. S.W.Kang, J.Choi, B.K.Ju and Y.W.Park, "Influence of Thermal Evaporation Substrate Revolution Velocity on

       Electroluminescence Characteristics of Organic Light Emitting Diodes," J.Nanoscience and

       Nanotechnology, vol.20, pp.6688-6691 (2020.6.).


441. J.Y.Park, H.Jeon, N.Park, G.Yoo, C.J.Han, M.S.Oh, B.K.Ju and Y.Kim, "Design of Transparent Multicolor LED

       Signage with an Oxide-Metal-Oxide Interconnect Electrode," J.Korean Physical Society, vol.77, no.1,

       pp.82~86 (2020.7.).


442. J.W.Lee, Y.U.Choi, J.Jang, S.H.Yeom, W.Lee and B.K.Ju, "High sensitivity flexible paper temperature sensor

       and body-attachable patch for thermometers," Sensorsand Actuators, vol.A313, p.112205 (2020.7.).


443. S.Khan, Y.Choi, H.Y.Aha, J.H.Han, B.K.Ju, J.Chung and S.H.Cho, "Control of Particle Size in Flame Spray

       Pyrolysis of Tb–doped Y2O3 for Bio-Imaging," v.13, Materials, p.2987 (2020.7.).


이하, 년도순을 따르지 않고 renewal


444. J.H.Kim, B.Kim, S.W.Kim, H.W.Kang, M.C.Park, D.H.Park, B.K.Ju, and W.K.Choi, "High-performance coaxial piezoelectric energy generator (C-PEG) yarn of Cu/PVDF-TrFE/PDMS/Nylon/Ag," vol.32, p.145401 (2021.1.).


445. SOO HYUN LEE, YEEUN ROH, SANG-HUN LEE, YONG-SANG RYU, BYEONG-KWON JU, AND MINAH SEO1, "Direct comparison with terahertz metamaterials and surface-enhanced Raman scattering in a molecular-specific sensing performance," Vol. 29, No. 1 / 4 January 2021 / Optics Express


446. Keonhee Kim, Soojin Park, Su Man Hu, Jonghan Song, Weoncheol Lim, Yeonjoo Jeong, Jaewook Kim, Suyoun Lee, Joon Young Kwak, Jongkil Park, Jong Keuk Park, Byeong-Kwon Ju, Doo Seok Jeong and Inho Kim, "Enhanced analog synaptic behavior of SiNx/a-Si bilayer memristors through Ge implantation, " NPG Asia Materials (2020) 12:77

447.  Joonchul Shin, Young Geun Song, Sung-Jin Jung, Taeehee Yoon, Gwang Su Kim, Jeong Hun Kim, Hyung-Ho Park, Byeong-Kwon Ju, Seong Keun Kim, Seung-Hyub Baek, Hyo-Il Jung, Chong-Yun Kang, Jin-Sang Kim, "Smart forensic kit: Real-time estimation of postmortem interval using a highly sensitive gas sensor for microbial forensics," Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 322 (2020) 128612


448. Jin-Woo Lee , Byungmoon Lee, Jong Woo Kim, and Byeong-Kwon Ju, "Surface Acoustic Wave-Based Infrared Sensor With Aluminum Nitride Films Deposited," IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, VOL. 20, NO. 22, NOVEMBER 15, 2020

449. Byunghyuck Moon, Yong Soo Kim, Byeong-Kwon Ju, Ju Han Lee, and Young Min Jhon, "Pulse-amplitude equalization in the monotonic region of the modulator of a rational-harmonically mode-locked fiber ring laser," Laser Phys. 30 (2020) 115103 (6pp)


450. Young Joon Han, Kyung-Tae Kang, Byeong-Kwon Ju, and Kwan Hyun Cho, "Effect of Time-Dependent Characteristics of ZnO Nanoparticles Electron Transport Layer Improved by Intense-Pulsed Light Post-Treatment on Hole-Electron Injection Balance of Quantum-Dot Light-Emitting Diodes," Materials 2020, 13, 5041

451. Young Joon Han, Do Yeob Kim, Kunsik An, Kyung-Tae Kang, Byeong-Kwon Ju, and Kwan Hyun Cho, "Sequential Improvement from Cosolvents Ink Formulation to Vacuum Annealing for Ink-Jet Printed Quantum-Dot Light-Emitting Diodes," Materials 2020, 13, 4754


452. JinAh Hwang, Moonhee Choi, Hyo-Soon Shin, Byeong-Kwon Ju, and MyoungPyo Chun, "Structural and Magnetic Properties of NiZn Ferrite Nanoparticles Synthesized by a Thermal Decomposition Method," Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 6279


453. JeeYeon Park, Hyunjee Jeon, Nayeon Park, Geonwook Yoo, Chul Jong Han, Min Suk Oh, Byeong-Kwon Ju, and Yoon-su Kim, "Design of Transparent Multicolor LED Signage with an Oxide-Metal-Oxide Interconnect Electrode," Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 77, No. 1, July 2020, pp. 82∼86


이하, 넘버링 일자 무관하게, 저자도 간단하게 정리함.


454. C. H. Park†, S. W. Kang†, S. G. Jung, D. J. Lee, Y. W. Park* and B.K. Ju*"Enhanced light extraction efficiency and viewing angle characteristics of microcavity OLEDs by using a diffusion layer" Scientific Reports, 11, 3430, (2021) 


455. S.J.Park, K.W.Choi, Y.W.Park, B.K.Ju, “Mixed-host engineering of blue thermally activated delayed fluorescence devices for enhanced efficiency and suppressed efficiency roll-off,” Optical Materials, vol.113, p.110879 (2021.3.).


456. S.Kim, C.Kim, Y.H.Hwang, S.Lee, M.Choi, B.K.Ju, "Carrier type modulation of tungsten diselenide (WSe2) field-effect transistors (FETs) via benzyl viologen (BV) doping," Chemical Physics Letters, vol. 770, No. 138453 (2021.5.).


457. S. W. Kang, D.H. Baek, B.K. Ju, and Y. W. Park "Green phosphorescent organic light‑emitting diode exhibiting highest external quantum efficiency with ultra‑thin undoped emission layer " Scientific Reports, 11, 8436, (2021) 


458. Y.Hwang, Y.H.Hwang, K.W.Choi, S.Lee, S.Kim, S.J.Park and B.K.Ju, "Highly stabilized flexible transparent capacitive photodetector based on silver nanowire/graphene hybrid electrodes," Scientific Reports, 11, 10499 (2021.5.).


459. C.Shin, S.Lee, K.W.Choi, Y.H.Hwang, Y.W.Park, and B.K.Ju, "Random rubbed structure for enhanced light extraction in organic light-emitting diodes" Journal of Luminescence, 243, 118670 (2022), to be published.


형식 보완하여야 할 논문들, 보완을 댓글로 부탁합니다. No. 460~464


460.* H.Hwang a, D.H.Yoon, I.H.Shin, I.S.Yoon, J.H.Kwack, O.J.Lee, Y.W.Park, B.K.Ju, “Spin-polarized carrier injection through hybrid ferromagnetic electrode for enhanced optical efficiency of organic light-emitting diodes,” Organic Electronics, vol.?, pp.? (2020); To be published


461.* Y.G.Lee, J.Kim, M.S.Kang, S.H.Baek, S.K.Kim, S.M.Lee, J.Lee, D.B.Hyun, B.K.Ju, S.E.Moon, J.S.Kim, and B.Kwon, “Design and experimental investigation of thermoelectric generators for wearable applications design,” Advanced Materials Technologies, vol.2, p2600292 (2017.4.).


462. C.W.Kim, B.K.Ju et al., "Facile fabrication of flexible metal grid transparent electrode using inkjet‑printed dot array as sacrificial layer," Scientific Reports, 12, 2572 (2022.1.).


463. K.Ko, B.K.Ju et al., "Near-Infrared Self-Powered Linearly Polarized Photodetection and Digital Incoherent Holography Using WSe2/ReSe2 van der Waals Heterostructure," ACS Nano, vol.15, pp.17917-17925 (2021.10.).


464. Y.Roh, B.K.Ju et al., "Terahertz imaging with metamaterials for biological applications," Sensors and Actuators B, vol.352, p.130993 (2021.10.).


465. J.C.Bi, H.S.Yun, M.S.Cho, M.G.Kwak, B.K.Ju, Y.M.Kim “Thermal conductivity and mechanical durability of graphene composite films containing polymer-filled connected multilayer graphene patterns” Ceramics International, vol.48, pp.17789-17794 (2022).


466. Y.K.Jeong and B.K.Ju et al., "Sensitive non-destructive real-time monitoring of blue OLED materials on extreme surface using terahertz near-field enhancement, Applied Surface Science, vol.584, p.152611 (2022).


467. J.Y.Lee, B.K.Ju*, and K.H.Cho*, "Co-solvented solution filling and interfacial phenomena of sublimation transferred emitting layer for high-resolution OLED fabrication" APL Materials 9, 101115 (2021.10.)


468. J.Y.Lee, B.K.Ju*, and K.H.Cho* ,"High−Resolution Patterning of Organic Emitting−Layer by Using Inkjet Printing and Sublimation Transfer Process" Nanomaterials 12 (9), 1611 (2022.5.)


469. E.J.Bae, B.K.Ju and Y.W.Park, "Enhanced Light Extraction from Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with Micro-Nano Hybrid Structure," Nanomaterials 12, 1266 (2022.4.).


470. S.W. Jang, W.W. Choi. S.B. Kim, J.H. Lee, S.H. Na, S.W. Ham, J.S. Park, H. Kang, B.K. Ju*, and H. Kim*, "Complex Spatial Light Modulation Capability of a Dual Layer In-plane Switching Liquid Crystal Panel" Scientific Reports 12, 8277(2022.).


471. S.W. Ham, S.J Park, S.W Jang, J.H Lee, B.K Ju*, H. Kim*, "Design of structural coloration for full-color high-definition computer-generated holograms," Optics Express, Vol.30, Issue 11, pp. 19839-19854 (2022.5).


472. Keonhee Kim, Dae Cheol Kang, Yeonjoo Jeong, Jaewook Kim, Suyoun Lee, Joon Young Kwak, Jongkil Park, Gyu Weon Hwang, Kyeong-Seok Lee, Byeong-Kwon Ju, Jong Keuk Park, Inho Kim*, "Ion beam-assisted solid phase epitaxy of SiGe and its application for analog memristors", Journal of Alloys and Compounds Volume 884, 161086, (2021.).


473. S. Kim, Y. Roh, Y, Choi, A.H. Jun, H. Seo* and B.K. Ju*, "Air Annealing process for Threshold Voltage tuning of MoTe2 FET," Applied Sciences, Vol. 12, no. 8, 3840 (2022.4.).


474. Geun-Su  Choi, Shin-Woo Kang, Eun-Jeong  Bae and B.K.Ju et al.,  "A Simple Method for Fabricating an External Light Extraction Composite Layer with RNS to Improve the Optical Properties of OLEDs," Nanomaterials, vol.12, 1430 (2022.4.).


475. Deok  Hyun  Yun and Byeong-Kwon  Ju et al., "Investigation  of  magnetic  properties  of  Pt/CoFeB/ MgO  layers  using  angle-resolved  spin-torque ferromagnetic  resonance  spectroscopy," J.Applied Physics, vol. 131,  243904  (2022.6.).


476. Yong Soo Kim, Byunghyuck Moon and Byeong-kwon Ju et al., " Optimizing high harmonic generation in hollow-core gas cell considering variation of gas density," Optics  and  Laser  Technology, vol.149, 107803 (2021.12.).


477. Chang-Kyu Hwang and Byeong-Kwon Ju et al.,"Perpendicularly stacked array of PTFE nanofibers as  a reinforcement for highly durable composite membrane in proton exchange membrane fuel cells," Nano Energy, vol.101, p.107581 (2022.7.)


488. JoonYoung Kim and Byeong-Kwon Ju et al. "Tomato harvesting robotic system based on Deep-ToMaToS: Deep learning network using transformation loss for 6D pose estimation of maturity classified tomatoes with side-stem," Computers  and  Electronics  in  Agriculture  201  (2022)  107300


489. Eun Jeong Bae and Byeong-Kwon Ju et al.  "Flexible external light extraction in organic light-emitting diodes by porous PDMS film fabricated by high-pressure steam process," Organic Electronics 108 (2022) 106575


490. Sangwon Ham and Byeong-Kwon Ju et al. "Transmission structural-color characteristics of Al-ZrO2-SiO2 plasmonic linear gratings," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 61, 092001 (2022)


491. Kang-Min Lee and Byeong-Kwon Ju, et al. "a-InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistors With Novel Atomic Layer-Deposited HfO 2 Gate Insulator Using Two Types of Reactant Gases." IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 70.1 (2022): 127-134.


492. Jonghyun Choi and Byeong-Kwon Ju, et al. "Effects of polystyrene on morphology and electrical performance of solution-processed thermally activated delayed fluorescent organic light-emitting diodes." Current Applied Physics 45 (2023): 25-29.


493. Jun-Young Park and Byeong-Kwon Ju, et al. "Operational Stability Analysis of Blue Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Using the Capacitance-Voltage Method." Applied Sciences 12.24 (2022): 13045.


494. Jong-Woo Kim and and Byeong-Kwon Ju, et al. "Microwave-Assisted Annealing Method for Low-Temperature Fabrication of Amorphous Indium-Gallium-Zinc Oxide Thin-Film Transistors." Electronics 11.19 (2022): 3094.


495. Jong-Woo Kim and Byeong-Kwon Ju, et al. "Improvement in Electrical Stability of a-IGZO TFTs Using Thinner Dual-Layer Dielectric Film." Metals 12.10 (2022): 1663.


496. Cheol Shin and Byeong-Kwon Ju, et al. "Enhancing the optical performance of organic light-emitting diodes using nanoscale random rubbed structure." Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology 12 (2022): 18479804221132983.


497. Haram Lee and Byeong-Kwon Ju et al, "FA/Cs-based mixed Pb–Sn perovskite solar cells: A review of recent advances in stability and efficiency," Nano Energy, 112 (2023) 108481


498. Dongwon Choi and Byeong‑Kwon Ju et al., "Schottky barrier height engineering on MoS2 feld‑efect transistors using a polymer surface modifer on a contact electrode," Discover Nano, (2023) 18:80


499. S. Lee, J.Y. Park, J. Park, J.C. Bi, B. Kang, Y.H. Hwang, J. Seok, Y.W. Park, and B.K. Ju, "Enhancement of Light Extraction Efficiency and Suppression of Roll-Off Characteristics of Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Organic Light-Emitting Diodes by Inserting Nanoscale Pixel-Defining Layer," Advanced Electronic Materials-Inside front cover, 9.4 (2023): 2201264.


500. Jaehyun Han and  Byeong-Kwon Ju et al., "Lanthanide and Ladder-Structured Polysilsesquioxane Composites for Transparent Color Conversion Layers," Materials 2023, 16, 2537


501. Sang Youn Lee, Chun Sakong, Sung-Hwan Choi, Byeong-Kwon Ju,* and Kwan Hyun Cho, "Controlling the Surface Modification by CF4 Plasma Treatment for Inkjet Printed Color Conversion Layer With InP-Based QDs Ink," Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 10, 2201851


502. Hyeonggeun Yu,* Eun Pyung Choi, Sung Uk Chai, Sang hyo Lee, Ha Kyung Park,
Gee Yeong Kim, William Jo, Won Mok Kim, Donghwan Kim, Byeong-Kwon Ju,
Byoung Koun Min, and Jeung-hyun Jeong*, "Anisotropic Charge Transport in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 by Heavy Alkali Postdeposition Treatment for Reducing Cell-to-Module Efficiency Loss in Monolithically Integrated Photovoltaic Modulesr," Solar RRL. 7 (2023) 202300055 (12pp)


503. Bongkwon Son,* Sang-Ho Shin, Zhi-Jun Zhao, Byeong-Kwon Ju, Jun-Ho Jeong, Munho Kim,* and Chuan Seng Tan, "High-Efficiency Silicon Nanowire Array Near Infrared Photodetectors via Length Control and SiOx Surface Passivation," Adv. Mater. Technol. 2023, 2300131




504. Ji Ye Lee a , Byeong-Kwon Ju a , Sang Yeol Lee b,*, "Influence of metal capping thin film transistor with different Si concentration in ZnSnO," Solid State Electronics 206 (2023) 108673


505. Eun-Jeong Bae 1,2,†, Yeon-Sik Kim 2,†, Geun-Su Choi 1,2, Byeong-Kwon Ju 2,* , Dong-hyun Baek 3,* and Young-Wook Park 1,*, " Fabrication of Flexible PDMS Films with Micro-Convex Structure for Light Extraction from Organic Light-Emitting Diodes," Nanomaterials 2023, 13, 2216


506. Eun-Bi Jang 1,† , Geun-Su Choi 1,2,†, Eun-Jeong Bae 1,2, Byeong-Kwon Ju 2,* and Young-Wook Park 1,*, " Doping-Free Phosphorescent and Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with an Ultra-Thin Emission Layer," Nanomaterials 2023, 13, 2366


507. Youngtae Park a,b,1 , Chang-Kyu Hwang c,d,1 , Kihoon Bang e , Doosun Hong e , Hyobin Nam c , Soonho Kwon f , Byung Chul Yeo g , Dohyun Go h , Jihwan An i , Byeong-Kwon Ju d , Sang Hoon Kim j , Ji Young Byun j , Seung Yong Lee c , Jong Min Kim c,k,* , Donghun Kim e,**, Sang Soo Han e,**, Hyuck Mo Lee a,**, " Machine learning filters out efficient electrocatalysts in the massive ternary alloy space for fuel cells," Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 339 (2023) 123128


508. Shin-Woo Kang 1,2,†, Eun-Jeong Bae 1,2,†, Young-Wook Park 2,* and Byeong-Kwon Ju 1,*, " Highly Efficient Ultra-Thin EML Blue PHOLEDs with an External Light-Extraction Diffuser," Nanomaterials 2023, 13, 2357


509. Ah Hyun Jun † , Young Hyun Hwang † , Byeongwoo Kang, Seungwon Lee, Jiwon Seok, Jong Seong Lee, Seo Hyun Song and Byeong-Kwon Ju *, " Magnetic Properties of Amorphous Ta/CoFeB/MgO/Ta Thin Films on Deformable Substrates with Magnetic Field Angle and Tensile Strain," Sensors 2023, 23, 7479


510. Keonhee Kim1,2, Jae Gwang Lim1,2, Su Man Hu1,3, Yeonjoo Jeong 1 , Jaewook Kim1 , Suyoun Lee 1 , Joon Young Kwak 1 , Jongkil Park1 , Gyu Weon Hwang 1 , Kyeong-Seok Lee1 , Seongsik Park 1 , Wook-Seong Lee4 , Byeong-Kwon Ju2 , Jong Keuk Park1 and Inho Kim, " Multifilamentary switching of Cu/SiOx memristive devices with a Ge-implanted a-Si underlayer for analog synaptic devices," NPG Asia Materials (2023) 15:48


511. Geun Su Choi,ab Shin Woo Kang,ab Eun Jeong Bae,ab Byeong-Kwon Ju *a and Young Wook Park, " A morphological study of random nanostructured external light extraction layers for enhancing optical characteristics of OLEDs," J. Mater. Chem. C, 2023, 11, 14307–14315


512. Geun-Su Choi 1,2, Eun-Jeong Bae 1,2, Byeong-Kwon Ju 2,* and Young-Wook Park 1,*, " Enhancing Light Extraction Efficiency in OLED Using Scattering Structure-Embedded DMD-Based Transparent Composite Electrodes," Nanomaterials 2023, 13, 2253




보다 간략하게 정리하여감




513. Pressurized Back-Junction Doping via Spray-Coating Silver Nanowires Top Electrodes for Efficient Charge Collection in Bifacial Colloidal PbS Quantum Dot Solar Cells Hyejin Lee, Dae-Hee Cho, Chanwoo Lim, Woong Kim, Yoon Hee Jang, Se-Woong Baek, Byeong Kwon Ju, Phillip Lee,* and Hyeonggeun Yu* Cite This: ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2024, 16, 7130−7140


514. Complex RGB spatial light modulation with a dual-layer in-plane switching liquid crystal panel Seong Woo Jang1 , Sangwon Ham1 , Wonwoo Choi2 , Byeong-Kwon Ju1 , and Hwi Kim2*, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 62, 122003 (2023)


515. A morphological study of random nanostructured external light extraction layers for enhancing optical characteristics of OLEDs† Geun Su Choi,ab Shin Woo Kang,ab Eun Jeong Bae,ab Byeong-Kwon Ju *a and Young Wook Park *b, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2023, 11, 14307–14315


516. Effect of Tunable Sub-Source and Sub-Drain Device Behavior in Four-Terminal Operation Using Metal-Capping Thin-Film Transistors Ji Ye Lee, Byeong-Kwon Ju, and Sang Yeol Lee* Cite This: ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 2023, 5, 6189−6196


517. Effects of Al2O3 Interfacial Layer Thickness for HZO/InGaAs Ferroelectric Capacitors With Superior Polarization and MOS Interface Properties Kyul Ko , Dae-Hwan Ahn , Hoyoung Suh, Byeong-Kwon Ju , and Jae-Hoon Han , IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, VOL. 70, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2023


518. Arc plasma‐deposited Co single‐atom catalysts supported on an aligned carbon nanofiber for hydrogen peroxide electrosynthesis and an electro‐Fenton process, C.K.Hwang and B.K.Ju et al., Carbon Energy, 2024.3.


519. Channel thickness effect on the performance of amorphous SiZnSnO semiconductor thin‑flm transistor with metal capping structure, J.Y.Lee and B.K.Ju et al., J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2024) 35:1254


520. Byeongwoo Kang, Young Hyun Hwang, Yong Jin Kim, Jong Seong Lee, Seo Hyun Song, Seungwon Lee, Jisung Lee, OukJae Lee, Seung-Young Park, and Byeong-Kwon Ju. 2024. "Effects of Buffer and Capping Layers on Thermal Stability of CoFeB/MgO Frames at Various Temperatures", Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(6):2394.


521. Effects of Hydrogen Doping on a-GIZO Thin-Film Transistors With Hafnium Dioxide Gate Insulators Formed by Atomic Layer Deposition at Different Temperatures, I.S.Ahn and B.K.Ju et al., IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, VOL. 71, NO. 3, MARCH 2024


522. 518. Seonghyeon Park, Byeongwoo Kang, Seungwon Lee, Jian Cheng Bi, Jaewon Park, Young Hyun Hwang, Jun-Young Park, Ha Hwang, Young Wook Park, and Byeong-Kwon Ju. 2024. "Hollow Microcavity Electrode for Enhancing Light Extraction" Micromachines 15, no. 3: 328.


523. YehRi Kim, Seoah Kim, Zheng Zhang, Chuantong Chen, Katsuaki Suganuma, Byeong Kwon Ju, and Dongjin Kim. “Temperature and Thickness-Dependent Silver Hillock Generation Mechanism and Surface Morphology Nature of Direct Plated Silver Layers onto Copper Substrates.” JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 997 (August 30, 2024): 174871. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2024.174871.


524. Jung Hoon Han, Dong Yeob Shin, Chihun Sung, Sung Haeng Cho, Byeong-Kwon Ju, Kwun-Bum Chung, and Sooji Nam. "Tuning the Threshold Voltage of an Oxide Thin-Film Transistor by Electron Injection Control Using a p−n Semiconductor Heterojunction Structure", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2024 16 (24), 31254-31260, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.4c02681


525. Ultrasonic Punching with Inkjet-Printed Dot Array for Fabrication of Perforated Metal Pattern as Transparent Heater Dong Yeol Shin, Chaewon Kim, Yoon Jae Moon, Kunsik An,* Byeong-Kwon Ju, and Kyung-Tae Kang, Adv. Eng. Mater. 2024, 2400377


526. Sang Youn Lee, Chun Sakong, Byeong-Kwon Ju, and Kwan Hyun Cho, "Enhancing the reliability of InP-based QD color conversion layer through a uniform organic encapsulation layer via inkjet printing." Organic Electronics 135 (2024): 107136.


527. Jun-Young Park, Seungwon Lee, Jian Cheng Bi, Ji-Sung Lee, Young Hyun Hwang, Byeongwoo Kang, Jiwon Seok, Seonghyeon Park, Dogi Lim, Young Wook Park, and Byeong-Kwon Ju. "Selective Enhancement of Viewing Angle Characteristics and Light Extraction Efficiency of Blue Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Organic Light-Emitting Diodes through an Easily Tailorable Si3N4 Nanofiber Structure", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2024 16 (21), 27566-27575. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.4c00240


528. Dong Yeol Shin, Yoon Jae Moon, Byeong–Kwon Ju, and Kyung–Tae Kang, “Measurement of Inkjet Droplet Speed using Interference Fringe by Diffracted Light”, Scientific Reports, 14(1), 22364 (2024) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-71952-9

529. Dong Yeol Shin, Chaewon Kim, Yoon Jae Moon, Kunsik An, Byeong-Kwon Ju, and Kyung-Tae. Kang, “Ultrasonic Punching with Inkjet-printed Dot Array for Fabrication of Perforated Metal Pattern as Transparent Heater”, Advanced Engineering Materials, 26(20), 2400377 (2024) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/adem.202400377

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